Sunday, June 9, 2013

A Powerful Impact

Deuteronomy 15:7 (KJV) Says, " If there be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren within any of thy gates in thy land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not harden thine heart, nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother." Deuteronomy 15:10-11 (KJV) Says, "Thou shalt surely give him, and thine heart shall not be grieved when thou givest unto him: because that for this thing the Lord thy God shall bless thee in all thy works, and in all that thou puttest thine hand unto. For the poor shall never cease out of the land: therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land."

In the above scripture taken from the book of Deuteronomy, God makes it clear that we are to assist the poor and needy. I have no doubt that most people have no problem helping those that are doing all they can for themselves, but come up short in meeting their needs. I also have no doubt that most have no problem helping those who have fallen on hard times as most of us have at one time or another in our lives. In today's society, however, many have come to lash out at those who are on the receiving end of assistance, and in doing so they generalize. I see posts on social networks aimed at those receiving financial help, and these posts never mention that they're not directed at those who truly need help, and are in no way abusing the system. This saddens me for the individuals who are going through tough times due to some misfortune. I feel certain those receiving assistance that are doing all they can for themselves do not need any help bringing them down emotionally, and yet they can count on reading something negative about receiving help on a daily basis. Some of you are probably thinking well, if they have access to social networking they are probably doing okay. Has it ever occurred to you that they may have had that access prior to falling on hard times, and that it's cheaper to seek employment over the Internet than it is to get transportation, insurance for that transportation, and gasoline to fill the tank. The bottom line is we don't know everyone' story.

With that said there are certainly individuals out there that are guilty of welfare fraud, and that abuse the system. There are also those out there who abuse and take advantage of charities. There is no doubt about that, because with everything humans are involved in, you can and will find bad apples. As Christians, however, we need to realize, when we give money to any area of charity to assist the poor we are doing what is right, and that includes welfare. We should do so because it is right, and we should do so for the right reasons, and with a right heart. God promises in the above scripture we will be blessed for it, although that should never be our motive. We must stop generalizing, and inadvertently lashing out at those that are facing difficulties and struggles in their lives. As for those that are abusing the charitable systems, we must leave that to God. We should always seek to build up and not to tear down, and when negative statements are made that are aimed at a generalized group of individuals, those who are already suffering are torn down even further.

We need to become aware of those around us, and pay attention to those who may have a need that we may possibly help them meet. In today's society many people act as though they don't notice, when someone is struggling, or they may notice and say something like I hope you get that worked out as they walk off offering no assistance whatsoever. I know we are capable of noticing the needs of others, and that capability comes at a very young age, because I learned that lesson early on. I saw my parents help the needy on many occasions, and a young man in my fifth grade class made an impact on me, when he sacrificed his own needs to provide the needs of another, at the tender age of nine.

Growing up all of my needs were met, and I lived a carefree childhood. My fifth grade year of elementary school, I noticed that a young man who sat near me had a serious almost sad expression on his face everyday. I also noticed that his clothes did not fit him very well as most of them seemed to small. His long sleeve shirts feel short of his wrists, and his pants were a shorter length than he needed. My heart went out to this young man, but I kept my thoughts to myself for some time. I then began to notice he had stopped eating lunch, and that kicked my concerns up a notch. He walked home from school, and my Mom was there to pick me up each day. On the way out of school one afternoon, I found the courage to ask him why he didn't eat lunch. He replied in a calm, kind voice that although his Mom gave him the fifty cents, or whatever it was then, to buy lunch he opted to save his money. I felt a bit of relief come over me, and I smiled and said what are you saving for totally expecting him to reply with a baseball glove  or a toy he desperately wanted. He looked at me with all seriousness, and said baby food for my little sister. The relief I had felt turned to utter heartache for this young man in an instant. I had a little brother at home at the same time, and I could not imagine having to be concerned about him having baby food. I looked at this young man, and not knowing what to say I repeated his response, and said baby food for your little sister. He said yea I over heard my Mom crying because she can't afford my lunch, and baby food so instead of eating lunch I buy baby food for my little sister. He told me he walked past a store everyday on his way home, and that he would buy the food, and tell his Mom that he wasn't hungry that day. I told him I was sorry they were struggling, and he smiled and said it's okay my Mom says to remember this quote "I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man with no feet." ---Unknown.  At nine years old his story had a powerful impact on me, an impact beyond what words can articulate. Needless to say I told my parents this story right away. They gave his family clothes, and food which included plenty of baby food for this young man's sister. They paid for him to eat lunch everyday for the remainder of the year, and he was able to do so without the concern that his little sister would go hungry.

This young man at age nine looked for a way to help his Mom provide for his sister, and the only way he could come up with involved him going hungry. What an unselfish, kind, and loving act that was, and he did it because it was what he felt was right. There are many people in today's world that have far more than they need, who could help others without sacrifice, and yet they choose to look away when they cross paths with someone in need. Some of these same people make generalized statements attacking those who need assistance, and they don't even seem to realize they're doing it.

I urge you to be aware of the things you say, and post regarding those who receive help to meet their needs, because some are doing all they can to help themselves and for those people generalizing is hurtful. Again, as for those who are abusing charity or assistance of any kind stop being concerned with them, and continue to do the right thing by giving and do it with a right heart. God will deal with those who are abusing charity or assistance, and he will bless you for giving with a right heart. If a nine year old can take notice and make a difference, then I feel certain we all can. Instead of getting angry at those who abuse assistance programs and charities, which only serves to hurt you, pray that God will change their hearts.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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