Wednesday, November 13, 2013

God Never Changes

Malachi 3:6 (KJV) Says, "For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed." Hebrews 13:8 (KJV) Says, "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and for ever."

How powerful these two verses of scripture are, and what great comfort, strength, and reassurance we can draw from them. We are advised in the above verse taken from Malachi that God never changes. We are further advised in the scripture taken from Hebrews that he is the same yesterday, today, and forever. That God never changes is a promise given to us more than once in scripture, and God never breaks a promise. What greater foundation could one find to stand on than the promises of Almighty God? The answer friends is none.

Many people place their faith and trust in earthly things only to wind up disappointed. For instance, personal relationships. Whether it be a spouse, someone we're dating, or a friend we can bank on the fact that they will eventually disappoint us. Now I'm not suggesting that some of these disappointments are not ones that we can forgive and move past quite the contrary many of them are. My point is that we are human beings subject to mistakes, and being far from perfect we wind up disappointing others at times in our lives. For example, there are people who claim to be our friends, and they are, as long as we give to them and do for them. The minute we are no longer capable of giving and doing for them they walk out of our lives. These people were never our friends because true friends don't walk out on you merely because they can no longer use you.

When we open up to someone, and expose our deepest feelings, we do so because we trust them, and believe they are in our lives to stay. On occasion, after having opened up to a person however, we find ourselves disappointed because the person we confided in tells us or demonstrates to us by their actions, that they no longer love us, and no longer want us around. It is then that we realize we made a mistake in opening up to that person. Had we known that they was going to change their feelings for us we would never have confided in them. Then there are some that opt to gossip about the personal information we shared with them, and this too is highly disappointing. How grateful I am that we can talk to God at any time, and that we can confide and trust in him about anything and everything.

Some people place their trust and faith in their careers, and what a huge mistake that is. These people have put their trust in a position that is paying them well, and affording them many of life's luxuries. Then one day their company shuts down, or they lose their position for another reason and thereby lose all of their material possessions. That leaves them devastated and disappointed because all along they had a concrete belief that their worldly status would never change. These people find out with a quickness that they have put their trust and faith into the wrong things. Worldly possessions change, for instance a new expensive car will eventually be old, begin to break down, and one day rust away in a junkyard.

I encourage you to remember that in this earthly life people, and situations change. I urge you not to forget, the fact that there is only ONE that remains the same always, that never leaves or forsakes us, that we can trust whole heartily, that we can have one hundred percent faith in without doubt, and who is there for us twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. That ONE is God. I urge you to place your trust and faith in him, knowing you can confide in him always, that he keeps every promise he makes, that he will never walk out on you or disappoint you, and that he will absolutely NEVER change.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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