Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A Two Way Street

Isaiah 59:2 (KJV) Says, "But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that He will not hear:"  I John 3:22 (KJV) Says, "And whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight." 

The above verse of scripture taken from the book of Isaiah tells us that our sins can cause God to hide His face from us, and not hear our prayers. The verse taken from the book of I John tells us that we will receive what we ask of Him, when we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.

Have you ever gone to God in prayer, requested something from Him, and then thought to yourself what is taking Him so long to answer me? Have you ever lost patience while waiting on God to answer your prayers, and allowed negative thoughts to enter your mind? Do you have thoughts like, God doesn't answer my prayers, He doesn't hear me, He doesn't care about me, and things of that nature? If so, have you ever consider that your behavior may be a factor?

There are various reasons that God doesn't answer some prayers, and there are some prayers He answers that are not answered in the manner in which we wanted them answered. He may not answer a prayer because He knows it is not what's best for us, because He has something better in store for us, because the timing is not right, or for our own protection, and many other reasons. With that being said, have you ever considered that He may not be giving you what you've ask Him for because you are not living in obedience to Him? Are there things in your life that God has been dealing with you about, things that you know He wants you to walk away from because they don't fit who you are as a follower of Jesus Christ? Have you been made aware of these things through the Holy Spirit living within you, and yet you continue on in your ways refusing to get rid of them? Are you knowingly living in disobedience to God, and expecting Him to answer your prayers? Have you ever ask yourself the question is there something in my life that I am holding onto that may be preventing God from answering my prayers?

We are quick to go to God in prayer requesting things from Him, and yet we never consider the fact that there are things He has commanded and requested of us that are being ignored. It seems reasonable to parents everywhere that children should not be rewarded for disobedience, yet many children of God go to Him in prayer asking him to reward them with something while living in blatant disobedience to Him.

I encourage you to evaluate your life, and to weed out the things that don't fit who you are as a Christian. If we want a close personal relationship with our Lord and Savior then we must walk in obedience to Him. We want God to grant our requests without ever thinking about whether or not we are fulfilling his. God wants what's best for us, He wants us to have a life filled with joy, divine peace, and contentment. He wants to bless us and answer our prayers, and He wants us to walk in obedience to Him so that he can do so. The next time you go to God in prayer asking Him for something,  I encourage you to remember it's a two way street.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to prayer for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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