Sunday, January 12, 2014

God Help Me

Psalm 18:2 (KJV) Says, "The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower."

The above verse of scripture is one of my favorites, and I often profess it either out loud or to myself because I find great comfort in it. I remind people of God's promises and all He says He will be to us. I also remind  them that when we surrender our lives to God and live in obedience to Him it is not unusual for Satan to kick his antics up a notch in an  attempt to cause us to abandon God. Fear not, however, because God is more powerful than Satan.

Quite recently I found myself in a position that required me to practice what I preach to those who are facing trials. First let me admit that in the past I have not been one to go to the doctor for any reason unless it is an emergency. I realize now that was a mistake, however, and that I have to go to the doctor when necessary or else things can and will spin rapidly out of control. So here's my story. I had not felt well in some time, and I had a pretty good idea that I may have diabetes because of some of the symptoms I was having. I honestly thought if I lost some weight the symptoms would subside, and I would be fine. I lost 46 pounds and the symptoms remained. I still opted not to go to the doctor. On top of having the symptoms of diabetes, I caught the flu, and in the midst of this became confused and barely able to stay conscience yet I still refused to go to the doctor. My younger sister saved my life by giving me two choices go to the doctor or she was calling an ambulance. I opted for the doctor.  My niece drove me to the doctor's office which I do not remember, and from there they called an ambulance because my oxygen level was 51,  I was in fact diabetic, I was in renal failure, respiratory failure, I had the flu, and I had double pneumonia. I heard the doctor tell  my niece she has to go by ambulance you can ride with her, but if you drive her she is not going to make it.

Now here I am flat on my back literally dying, and I'm in and out of consciousness. The first thing I remember thinking when I was with it for a minute was God help me. You are my rock and my strength I put my faith and trust in you. God gave me peace and comfort instantly, and I have no doubt we upset Satan. I was moved from the emergency room to intensive care, and remained there until I was stable. With every hurdle I reminded myself that God is my rock and my strength, and that I can do all things through him that strengthens me. I told God I loved him with all my heart, mind, and soul and that I put my faith and trust in him having no doubt he would see me through this trial. I was moved from intensive care to a step down unit, as I continued to improve. After only one day in step down, my blood sugar skyrocketed to a level that could be fatal, bringing back the confusion, and landing me  back in the intensive care unit. When I came to my senses again, I continued to rebuke Satan, and put my trust in God. After a couple of days I was back in step down, and once again improving. After an eight day stay, I was released from the hospital and allowed to come home. Having so many things go wrong at once is not without residuals and it  took some time for me to be 100%, but with God as my rock and strength, I got there.

I didn't share my story for sympathy, but to let you know that I can testify firsthand that God is everything he promises to be. I felt his presence so closely as I faced this battle that to describe it is nearly impossible. I cried out and He heard me just as He promises us He will. I put my faith and trust in Him, and He saw me through this trial holding my hand all the way. I felt His strength, and Him fighting for me when I was to weak to fight for myself.  I felt His loving arms around me. I felt a healing warmth come over me every time I called out to Him, and He never failed to make His presence known to me.

Friends, whatever trial you're facing, I want to encourage you to trust God. Put your faith in Him knowing that He will never leave nor forsake you, and that you can depend on Him without doubt. No matter where you are in life, you can call on Him anytime day or night, and He will hear you. You are His child, and He loves you tremendously. He will be your rock and your strength. He is a very present help in time of trouble. God will never let you down. He will see you through, and He will hold your hand along the way. I know this for a fact because He held mine.

I am so blessed to be a child of Almighty God and to have Him with me always as my rock and my strength. I am so blessed to be able to praise Him, and to call on Him whenever I need Him.  I am so blessed to have been surrounded by family and friends during this trial in my life, and to have had the well wishes, prayers, encouragement, and love from so many others. I felt the prayers, and love being poured out for me, and it was amazing.  Life is a precious gift from God, and it is one I am grateful for. I continue to improve each day, and my heart overflows with love for God, my family, and my friends.  God is Great and to Him be all the Praise and the Glory!!

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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