Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A True Friend

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 (KJV) Says, "Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone? And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken."

In the above passage of scripture we are told that the work of a greedy person especially when working for his own personal gain is futile. On the other hand, we are instructed that two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. They can help each other, they can provide mutual warmth, and they double their strength or triple it as in the case of three friends. In short, each of us need true friends in our lives, and we should be a true friend to others.

Let's take a look at what it means to be a true friend, and some of the characteristics required to fill those shoes. A true friend is dependable, and will be there for you when you call, no matter what time it is day or night. They won't consider the time and refuse to put themselves out claiming it's too early or too late. Without hesitation, a true friend will be at your side the moment they know you need them.  Another trait possessed by a true friend is honesty. They will be honest with you no matter what because they love you enough to tell you the truth. A true friend is one who comes to the hospital to visit you when you're ill. A true friend notices when you are in pain, lonely, depressed, or hurting. A true friend loves you unconditionally, keeps you in their prayers, and is always there for you.

Now let's look at some sure signs that indicate someone is not a true friend. If someone is around only when you have money, they are not a true friend. If someone is eager to go to dinner, the movies, parties and social events, but can't be found when you're ill and/or hospitalized they are not a true friend.  If you call someone and tell them you need them, asking them to come over because you are depressed, sad, lonely, or hurting, and they dance around your request making lame excuses as to why that's not possible, they are not a true friend.  If you call someone and ask them to come over and pray with you, and they hesitate as they mull over a list of bogus reasons as to why they cannot do so, they are not a true friend. If you call a friend on the telephone with a heavy heart and needing someone to talk to, and they say they're busy knowing you need someone to listen, they are not a true friend.

True friends are rare, and they are blessings from God. We should be grateful to Him for those we have in our lives, and we should strive to be a true friend to others. What kind of friend are you? Are you a true friend to the people in your life? If a friend calls you needing someone to simply listen, are you willing to listen to them or do you make excuses as to why you don't have time, and then proceed to get off the phone as quick as you possibly can? When a friend calls you and requests that you come to their side because they are feeling depressed, lonely, sad or hurt, do you go or do you make  a lame excuse as to why there is no way you can make it? Do you stand by your friends when they are ill, or having problems or are you only around when they are well and things in their life are running smoothly? Do you pray for your friends? If a friend were to ask you to come and pray with them, would you go? Would you go without hesitation?

The last thing someone needs when they are facing a trial in their life is to feel as though their friends have abandoned them, when they needed them most. The question is not if we will need friends in our lives as we face trials, and walk through storms. The question is when, because in life we all have difficulties. It is certain we can count on friends as we experience peaks in our lives, but it is in the valleys that we discover who our true friends are. The valleys have a way of exposing true friends in an instant, while those who miss the mark disappear just as fast. What kind of friend are you? Are you the kind of friend to others that you want them to be to you? Are you a true friend or do you disappear in the valleys? I encourage you to remember that we all need true friends, and I urge you to be the kind of friend to others that you want and need in your own life.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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