Thursday, December 15, 2016

Broken Confidence

Judges 16:18 (KJV) Says, "And when Delilah saw that he had told her all his heart, she sent and called for the Lords of the Philistines, saying, come up this once, for he hath shewed me all his heart. Then the Lords of the Philistines came up unto her, and brought money in their hand."

Samson is the he being referred to in the above verse of scripture. He was a mighty man with great strength, and his strength would remain as long as he did not cut his hair. This was a secret that he kept to himself until his wife,  Delilah began badgering him, convincing him to confide in her with it. Loving her, and feeling that he could trust her, he told her the secret of his tremendous strength, and soon after he did, she betrayed him. Delilah sold Samson's secret to the Philistines who had longed to know the source of his great strength. This enabled them to capture him, torture him, and ultimately it would cost him his life.

Note the above verse of scripture states that Samson told Delilah all his heart. This indicates that he confided in her with something that was very important to him, and very personal. He shared his secret with someone that he loved and trusted. Samson shortly realized that he had made a grave mistake. Most all of us have experienced betrayal at the hand of someone we have confided in; at least once in our lifetime. It may not have been our spouse, but maybe a friend, or other family member that we loved and trusted. Betrayal is a very painful, emotional experience, and without fail it has devastating consequences.

First and foremost betrayal is not something God smiles upon. Secondly, it hurts the person who falls victim to it. It brings to an end; or at least severely damages relationships because the relationships no longer contain the vital element of trust. If the relationships manage to remain intact they become shallow, and superficial. The victim also faces consequences in the form of having what they deemed very personal and private information spread to others whom they would have never themselves chosen to share these things with. By sharing the victims personal and private business, the betrayer ignites a vicious and ugly ring of gossip. This in turn brings even more emotional pain to the victim.

I urge you to recognize that there is nothing positive to be gained for either party, when a confidence is broken. It causes nothing but damage on so many different levels. Take time to truly consider how it feels or would feel to be betrayed by someone you loved and trusted. I encourage you to be a good listener, and too keep to yourself those things that others share with you in confidence. I also urge you not to listen to gossip, but instead to walk away or make clear, in a polite way, that you will not be a part of it. As the Word of God tells us when wood is not added to a fire, the fire goes out.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, please leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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