Thursday, February 2, 2017


Joshua 1:9 (KJV) Says, "Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed:  for the Lord thy God is with the whithersoever thou goest." 2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV) Says, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."

The above two verses of scripture are just a couple of the many verses of encouragement that can be found in the Word of God, and encouragement is a vital necessity for all human beings. Children from a very young age need to hear words of encouragement from their parents in order to have instilled in them a sense of worthiness, and a healthy sense of pride.

Just as children need encouragement so do adults, and this applies to all human beings including Christians. Obviously God was aware of this because he included several encouraging verses of scripture in the Bible. If a person, whether child or adult, hears only that they are doing this or that wrong, that they are falling short here and there, and that they need to step up because they're not quite enough, then they will find themselves imprisoned by the spirit of defeat.

All people, including Christians, need to be hugged, told they are loved, and that they are worthy. Life is hard enough so we certainly don't need to walk around feeling depressed, hopeless, and less than. It is so important that we love and encourage one another and it is certainly not a difficult task. Even something as simple as a smile can be encouraging to someone, and who knows you may smile at someone who at the moment needed it desperately. As born again believers in Jesus Christ, we are to love one another, and when we love someone we should have the desire in our hearts to encourage them, and show them the love of Christ that is within us.

We get so busy with life that we fail to even notice the people around us. I urge you to take a good look at the faces of your friends, your family members, co-workers, church family members, and even strangers that cross your path. What you will notice on many faces these days is stress, sadness, pain, anger and bitterness. When you notice any of these expressions on someones face, I urge you to do something to encourage that individual even if it's simply taking the time to share a smile.

Don't be a person who feeds the spirit of defeat in others by telling them only what they are doing wrong, in what areas they are falling short, and how disappointed you are in them. Instead, encourage one another, share uplifting scripture, share a smile, share a hug, tell someone you love them. The love of Christ in whatever form serves to uplift and encourage people, and that in turn makes them feel worthy, appreciated, noticed, and loved, and those things are vitally important to human beings.

I urge you to notice the facial expressions on the people around you, and to reach out and encourage those who look as though they need it.  Note this also that an encouraged Christian is a far better disciple and witness for Jesus Christ than is one who is feeling discouraged and defeated. Allow the love of Christ to shine through you and work through you to make this world a more loving place; after all, God is love.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you!

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