Sunday, May 6, 2018

Why Pray?

Matthew 14:23 (KJV) Says, "And when he had sent the multitudes away, He went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone." Mark 6:46 (KJV) Says, "And when He had sent them away, He departed into a mountain to pray." Luke 6:12 (KJV) Says, "And it came to pass in those days, that He went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God." And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, He went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed." Luke 5:16 (KJV) Says, "And He withdrew Himself into the wilderness, and prayed."

In the above verses of scripture we are given examples of Jesus going off alone to spend time in prayer, and that are many more examples of Him doing so found within the pages of God's Word. This makes clear to us that prayer is of the utmost importance. Some people question that if God is all-knowing, present everywhere, and all-powerful then why pray? Prayer is our direct communication with our personal Lord and Savior, and we are blessed to have the opportunity to talk with him as a friend whenever we choose to do so.

There are several reasons to pray, and one of those is for guidance. If we have the desire in our hearts to follow the plan that God has for our lives then we need to go to him in prayer, and ask Him to lead, guide, and direct our path. When we go to him in prayer and ask Him for guidance, if we will listen to what he places on our heart he will give us direction, and the divine peace that tells us that direction is from Him.

Another reason to pray is to ask for forgiveness of our sins. The Bible tells us that as human beings we are all sinners. The good news is that when we go to God in prayer, ask Him to forgive us for our sins, and we repent of them He forgives us immediately.

Yet another reason to pray is to ask God to help us with the decisions we need to make in our lives. We should go to God in prayer about all the decisions we are faced with from the smallest to the largest. What better advice can we get, when it comes to making decisions than that which Almighty God Himself can give us?

Furthermore, we should go to God in prayer about the troubles we face in our lives. God is our Heavenly Father, and we are His children. He loves us tremendously and want to help us. If we will go to him in prayer, when we are facing difficulties and problems in our lives, He will be there for us, and He will help us making through. In fact the Bible tells us that he will walk through our storms with us, and all the while he will be holding our hand.

We should also go to God in prayer, and ask Him for protection. The world is full of violence and hate, and with that said we all need His protection. Even as we go about as witnesses for Christ there are people who wish to persecute us. Jesus Himself was persecuted. God's Word tells us in Matthew 5:10 (KJV) "Blessed are they that are persecuted for righteousness sake:  for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven."

Yet another reason to pray is for healing. God is the Great Physician, he is all-powerful, and he is more than able to restore our health.

Above are a few of the reasons that we need to pray, and there a many more. I encourage you to go to God in prayer about all things. If Jesus found it necessary to pray, and to do so often, then it is evident that we should. Remember the importance of prayer, and pray daily. Take all of your troubles to God in prayer, and leave them there. Do what you can do to help yourself, and then trust God with what you can't do. He is more than able. When you pray remember always to praise and thank God for all the miracles, blessings, and answered prayers he has given you in your life. He deserves the praise, honor, and the glory for all of them. God's Word tells us that he is the same yesterday, today, and forever. This means he is still a God of miracles. There is no sickness he can't heal, no disease he can't cure, no problem he can't solve, and no situation he can't restore. Prayer is vital, and I encourage you to pray on a daily basis. You will be amazed at the power of prayer.

If you have a prayer request and would like for me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you!

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