Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Abandon Ship

Philippians 2:1-2 (KJV) Says, "If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, , if any bowels and mercies, fulfill ye my joy, that ye be like minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind." Matthew 18:20 (KJV) Says, "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them."

There is a rapidly growing problem among Churches where the entire truth of God's Word is being preached. The problem is that people are leaving these Churches for Churches that preach only blessings omitting sermons on important topics such as what it looks like and takes to live a true Christian life in obedience to God. There are many reasons people give for leaving their Church. Some leave because they feel their Church isn't offering enough in the way of activities for them, and for their children. Some leave because they have a problem with a Church member, or a group of Church members, and have been offended. Some leave because they feel their Church lacks members that are close to them in age. Some leave because they dislike the music.  Some leave because they are following others that have left. Some leave because they say they don't feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in their Church. In short, there are a number of reasons that individuals are giving as to why they chose to leave their Church.

In the above passage of scripture we see that God finds joy in Christians coming together, and being like minded, being of one accord, and of one mind. It is important to note that God's Word tells us in the above verse of scripture taken from the book of Matthew that where two or three people are gathered in his name he is present. Therefore, if you attend a Church where the truth of God's Word is preached, where the core of the gospel, which is salvation, what it means, and how to accept Christ is shared then unless God calls you to another Church why abandon ship in lieu of remaining loyal to your Church, Church family, and your Pastor?

I understand that issues arise that need to be addressed, and that is true of all Churches. If you feel that your Church doesn't offer enough in the way of activities then maybe you could suggest something, and be a part in your idea coming to fruition instead of looking elsewhere for what you feel your Church is missing. If you have a problem with a Church member or group of Church members then go to them directly and address the issue in a Christ-like manner remembering that we are all fallible human beings. If your Church lacks members that are close to your age go out and invite some that do fall under your age. Inviting people your age will solve your issue, and it will help grow your Church. If you dislike the music then perhaps you could make a request to the person in charge of song selection asking them to incorporate a few of your favorite hymns/songs. Don't leave your Church following other members, or at the urging of people outside your Church.  if you have an inkling to do so remind yourself you are following Christ, not people. If you begin to feel that the Holy Spirit is not present in your Church, remember the verse of scripture from Matthew that clearly states where any two people are gathered in my name, I am present.

I am in no way suggesting that if God called you away from your Church you should stay. If God calls you somewhere other than your Church, you should without a doubt do as He has directed you to do, and leave. If you are attending a Church where the Pastor is preaching sermons that do not line up with the truth of God's Word, you should leave. My point in this blog is to encourage people who are attending a Church where the truth is being preached to remain loyal to their Pastor, their Church, and their Church family, and to make suggestions as well as volunteer to help in areas they feel are their Church's weak points. I further encourage you to work out issues in a Christ-like manner with any individual or group of individuals that you are having problems with. Whatever issue or issues arise for you, first pray about them, and then ask yourself what you can do to assist in resolving them. Addressing with the Pastor what you feel is lacking in your Church may open a door to another area of service made available to you and other Church members. Pray and consider your true reasons for desiring to leave your Church, and if they are valid then leave, but if not don't be so quick to abandon ship.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you!

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