Tuesday, October 9, 2018

A Gold Star

Jeremiah 33:3 (KJV) Says, "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not."

In order to build and maintain a strong personal relationship with Jesus Christ, it is vital that we pray, read and study God's Word, and meditate on it. It is also vital that we ask Him to lead, guide, and direct our path, and that we sit quietly listening and watching for all that He desires to show us, and all that He desires to place on our hearts.

In the above verse of scripture taken from the book of Jeremiah God tells us that if we will call on Him, He will answer us. He also tells us in this verse that He will show us great and mighty things that we know not. With that said, I want to share a personal story that without a doubt demonstrates the power, magnificence, and love of Almighty God.

This story begins with my youngest brother's best friend. He and my brother have been great friends since they were little children. I can remember them laying side by side on our den floor at home, watching movies, and laughing for hours. They remained close friends into adulthood. Not only did my brother love this friend, but our entire family did as well. This young man was always willing to help others. In fact, he helped many people, and groups of people in numerous ways. In short, because there are not enough words to describe all he did to bless others, he was an outstanding example of what a fine Christian man with a loving and compassionate heart looks like.

Without going into details, my brothers friend passed away last week, and his death came unexpectedly. My brother told me that his friend was taken by life flight to a nearby hospital, and that told me that whatever the problem was; it was serious. I began praying right away. I asked God to be with this young man, and his family, and to please heal him. In my prayer I told God that His Word tells us that he is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and that this means He is still a God of miracles, and that I was asking for one. This young man had to have emergency surgery, and when I got that update I prayed for God to guide the surgeons hands, and I continued to ask God for a miracle. When I came home from Church Wednesday night, my brother was standing in the driveway, and I told him that I had been praying all day, and asked for another update. With a broken hearted look on his face, he said, "you haven't heard?" I said no what is it? He said "he passed away." I said, I'm so sorry, and we shared a hug, but no more words; as we were both speechless and too choked up for conversation. I entered the house through the garage and went immediately out the back door, and onto the deck. The deck is where I go daily to pray, read God's Word, watch and listen for God to show me anything he wants to show me, and to listen for anything he desires to place on my heart. That night, I needed to be alone, and talk to God.

As I sat in my usual chair I began talking to God, and I have to be honest being only human I was upset. I reminded God of what His Word says, and I asked Him why he took this young man. I told God he was a great Christian man doing wonderful work for His kingdom, that he was a husband, and the father of two children, that he was a brother, and that he had a mother who loves him tremendously. I told God that it hurt me to see my brother so broken, and to witness the sadness that this great loss had brought on my family and so many others. I said God I just don't understand.

Then I sat quietly gazing at the same stars that I gaze at nightly, and listening and watching for God to show me something or place something on my heart that made sense. He answered my prayers. The first thing that he placed on my heart was that His ways are not our ways, and that He knows best. He also reminded me that Heaven is amazing, and that my brother's friend is in a far greater place than we could ever imagine. Then God showed me something in a miraculous, amazing, and a divine way. He did so through one of the whitest and  brightest stars in the sky. This is a star that  stands alone, and one that I have stared at on clear nights for at least the past five years. I had been sitting with my face in my hands, and the moment I looked up at this star that I had so often studied, it turned as Gold as it could possibly turn. This once bright white star was now golden. Then God placed on my heart that he was aware that my brother's friend was a steadfast Christian soldier, and that he was gold star worthy for all the blessings he bestowed upon others while he was here on earth.

All that God promises in the above verse of scripture taken from the book of Jeremiah, he demonstrated for me that night. I called upon Him, He answered me, and He showed me great and mighty things.

I encourage you to cry out to God when you need to, and to watch and listen for him to answer you. He loves us all tremendously and we are all of equal importance to Him. I pray strength and comfort for this young man's mother, his wife, his children, his sister, and his entire family, as well as for his friends. When God calls someone home who impacted so many lives here earth in such a positive way, a huge void is felt immediately. To this young man who meant a great deal to my brother and our entire family, I say with love go rest high, and I have no doubt that God was able to say when they stood face to face, well done my good and faithful servant.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you!

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