Sunday, March 1, 2020

Equally Yoked

II Corinthians 6:14 (KJV) Says, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers:  for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?"
I Corinthians 15:33 (KJV) Says, "Be not deceived:  evil communcations corrupt good manners."

In the above verse of scripture taken from the book of II Corinthians Christians are warned about surrounding ourselves socially with unbelievers. While Christians are to mingle among the lost spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ we are not to spend idle time with them involving ourselves in activities that do not fit who we are as born again believers in, and followers of Jesus Christ. Christians are human beings, and as such we can fall into temptation. If we surround ourselves with people who tell dirty jokes, get drunk, partake in sexual promiscuity, lie, cheat, are unkind to others, abuse the people in their life, and other like behaviors we are headed for trouble. First and foremost as Christians we should be uncomfortable with these behaviors secondary to the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. Secondly, Satan is a master manipulator. He is a liar, deceiver, and the author of confusion. He would love nothing better than to cause you to turn your back on God, stop spreading the gospel, and live your life in a manner that matches that of a person who is lost. When you surround yourself with lost souls, slowly but surely Satan will draw you into the secular world, and you will appear no different than one that is lost. You will no longer be a light in a dark world. As my twin sister says, "It's a short trip from standing outside the fire to being in the middle of it."

As the above passage of scripture taken from I Corinthians warns us evil communication can corrupt us. We must be vigilant recognizing that interacting with evil communication is a snare of Satan. For example, if someone tells a dirty joke, and we listen to it and join in the laughter it brought on we are behaving no differently than the lost. Being surrounded by the wrong people makes us vulnerable to falling prey to those Satan has sent to tempt us with phrases such as "just try it." If we agree to go to a movie that we know has content that God would not approve of just to be accepted socially then we are hiding the light of Christ in us. If we listen to or join in on gossip then we are partaking in a behavior that does not fit the Christian we claim to be. In short, when we as Christians live our lives in a manner no different from those that are lost while proclaiming to be Christians, we are damaging the reputation of Christians and Christianity overall. It is behavior such as this among self-proclaimed Christians that has earned Christians the reputation among non-believers of being a bunch of hypocrites. Worst of all, we are missing opportunity after opportunity to lead lost people to Christ.

I cannot stress enough the importance of being equally yoked in all of our relationships. This means we marry someone who is Godly, and that we surround ourselves with friends who are born again believers in, and followers of Jesus Christ. It is so important that we stress this lesson to our children in hopes that  they heed the lesson, and avoid inviting chaos into their lives. I've witnessed married couples who are unequally yoked and the struggles they face with some ending in divorce.  I've witnessed Christians who have gotten off track because they chose to spend idle time with friends that are unequally yoked for purposes other than witnessing to them in an attempt to lead them to Christ.  I've seen firsthand born again believers in Jesus Christ, who were serving the Lord in many ways, turn their back on God, and fall prey to the temptations of the world after allowing Satan to lure them away with his wiles.

I encourage you to stand firm in your faith, if it means standing alone. I encourage you also to live your life in a manner that fits who you say you are as a born again believer, and follower of Jesus Christ.  Don't fall prey to Satan's wiles, and participate in things that you know do not fit who you claim to be. I urge you to be the Godly witness, through your words and your actions, that God has called you to be.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you!

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