Sunday, April 1, 2012

Growing in Christ

I Peter 2:2 (KJV) says "As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the Word, that ye may grow thereby:"

We are aware that newborn babies need milk in order to grow, and to survive. Giving a child milk is not optional, if we desire for them to grow. We can look at our personal relationship with God in the same way. When we first accept God's precious gift of salvation, we are babes in Christ. His Word is the milk necessary for us to grow, and mature in our personal relationship with Him.

It is imperative that we take the time to pray, read and study God's Word, and sit quietly listening to what He puts on our hearts. Many people accept God's gift of salvation, and their spiritual growth stops right there. They may attend Church on Sunday, and walk away having heard a wonderful message, and that's fantastic; as we need to attend a good Bible based Church, and fellowship with other Christians, but what I am talking about here is your personal relationship with God.

When we pray we are talking to God directly, and we can go to Him with anything at anytime. Take a moment to ponder what a privilege that truly is. How strong would other relationships in our lives be, if we decided to quit speaking to the people in them, or opted to speak to them only when we needed something, or were in trouble? I'll venture to say these relationships,would not survive being treated the way some people treat their personal relationship with God.

We need to read and study God's Word for ourselves, for many reasons. For one, it is important that we know what it says firsthand to prevent us from being misled by false teachers. Another reason is that God's Word is our strength and defense in this world filled with trials, temptations, and devastation.  Reading and studying God's Word also strengthens our personal relationship with Him. If we will spend time in His Word He will shine new light and understanding on it, which will help us to mature as Christians, and further our spiritual growth.

There is no excuse for not spending personal time with God. If you say you don't have time, then my friend, you're to busy. Make time for God. Don't bother making excuses as to why you don't,  because there are no valid ones. This is something no one can do for you, just like in any other relationship. I could spend time with your friends, your family, boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, and it  would have no bearing on your relationship with them whatsoever. Don't hesitate to begin spending one on one time with God, you'll benefit from it greatly in every area of your life. You'll gain an inner  peace and contentment like you've never known, you'll mature spiritually, and experience growth in your personal relationship with Christ Jesus.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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