Sunday, April 15, 2012

Cast Your Net

In Luke 5:1-7 (KJV) Jesus is standing by the lake of Gennesaret  (which is another name for the sea of Galilee), and there are people all around Him eager to hear the word of God. Jesus notices two ships by the lake with no one aboard them. He sees that the fisherman have left their ships, and are washing their nets. Jesus goes over to one of the ships, which was Simon's (Peter's) and tells him to throw his net back out a bit farther from land. Jesus then goes out, sits down, and begins teaching the people. When He finishes teaching, He again tells Simon (Peter) to launch out into the deep water and let down his net. Simon (Peter) answers Jesus in verse five saying "Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at Thy Word I will let down the net."  Simon (Peter) did as Jesus instructed him, and when he pulled up the net it was so full of fish that it broke, and he had to summon the other ship for assistance. When they had finished pulling in the net, both ships were filled with fish.

Simon (Peter) had been listening to Jesus' teaching, and had also heard about Him. This is made evident when he addresses Jesus as Master. He showed that he had faith and trust in God, when he cast the net back out at Jesus' instruction. He and the other fisherman did this despite the fact that they were exhausted and discouraged after working hard all night, catching nothing, and having already cleaned their nets in preparation to go home. Being seasoned fisherman who had given up on catching any fish in that area prior to Jesus' instruction, can you imagine their astonishment when they began pulling that net out of the water, and seeing it was full of fish?  Simon (Peter) and the other fishermen knew without a doubt that those fish were a blessing from God. After bringing the ships to land, Simon (Peter), and two of the other fisherman, James and John, left everything, and became disciples of Jesus.

How many times have you  repeatedly attempted to accomplish something, and came to the conclusion that your efforts were futile? Simon (Peter) and the other fisherman were at that point, when they opted to put their faith and trust in Jesus, and recast their net. Maybe you have been trying to get caught up financially, and each time that you near your goal something unexpected comes along and sets you back. Maybe you have an addiction or bad habit that you are trying to break, and you start out strong, but never quite manager to conquer it. Maybe you have been looking for a job, and it seems as though you will never find one no matter how hard you try. Whatever problems you have, or whatever it is you desire to accomplish, can be attained by putting your faith and trust in Jesus Christ.

We must use logic and reason when we ask God for His help with the trials and tribulations we face in our lives..  For example, if you are having difficulty financially don't go out and waste money, and then go to God telling Him you have no idea how you are going to pay your bills. If you are attempting to conquer an addiction or break a bad  habit, don't go around people who indulge in whatever substance you are trying to break free from. Don't go to the places these people frequent, and where the substance you're battling is readily available to you.

If you do what you can to address the problems and issues in your life, God will certainly be there to assist and guide you. He will do what is best for you, and He knows what that is. Remember he will do everything in His time, not ours. Do your part, pray and trust God, wait patiently on Him, remember He loves you, that He wants and knows what is best for you, and don't give up.  Simon (Peter) and the other fisherman put their trust in God, followed Jesus' instruction, and the result was astounding.

If you are struggling in an area of your life and you know it is a battle God wants you to win, don't give up.  Do your part, pray for strength and God's assistance, and wait on Him. God promises that He will never leave or forsake us. The next time you face a battle that is leaving you tired, exhausted and feeling as though your efforts are futile, I encourage you to trust God, and to cast your net one more time.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you leave me a message, and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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