Sunday, September 30, 2012

Know Who You Are

Philippians 4:13 (KJV) Says "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

It is beneficial for us to call to remembrance the above scripture every time unworthiness, lack of confidence, or discouragement from someone else causes us to doubt ourselves. This is a popular Bible verse that has been memorized by many, yet we still allow ourselves to doubt our capabilities. There is no need for doubt, because we can be certain that with God working through us we can accomplish anything God calls us to do.

The Bible documents many individuals who are called by God to do great things. For instance, Noah was called to build the ark, and to fill it with all species of animals. Noah never doubted his ability to build the ark, because he knew who he was in Christ, and that God had called him to do it. He knew God would work through him to get the task accomplished. When God ask Noah to build the ark he  didn't start asking for opinions as to whether or not people thought he was capable of such a large task, nor as to whether or not he should attempt it, he went to work and he built the ark. I'm sure he faced scoffers who ridiculed him, but he remained steadfast in his work, and with God working through him, he accomplished all he set out to do.

David certainly faced scoffers, and those who doubted his ability, as he went out to fight Goliath. Some of those individuals were his own brothers. He disregarded every one of their attempts to discourage him, and pressed forward, trusting that God would deliver Goliath into his hand. David didn't pay any attention to the naysayers he faced because he knew who he was in Christ, and he knew that he could accomplish all things through Him. As you probably know, with God working through him,  David went on to slay Goliath which silenced those naysayers.

There will always be people who attempt to discourage you, and cause you to doubt yourself. Don't allow these people to succeed in bringing you down. Some people attempt to discourage you because they are miserable themselves, and they would love your company. Some want you to doubt yourself because they are jealous, and envious of any success you may have. There are various reasons some people try to inundate others with self-doubt, but whatever the reason, refuse to receive it.  Don't listen to anyone who is spewing negative comments at you in an attempt to make you doubt yourself, and all you're capable of doing with God working through you. Follow the examples set by Noah, and David, and press on remembering that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Pause and consider the power of that verse, and lock it into memory. We are not identified by what others say about us, if we were we'd all be in trouble because there are always going to be people that don't like us for whatever reason. It is not what others say about you that can be poison to your spirit, but rather your reaction to what they say. Know who you are in Christ, and allow no one to persuade you otherwise.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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