Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Spirit of Fear

II Timothy 1:7 (KJV) Says "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."

Paul was in prison in Rome, when he wrote this second letter to Timothy. In the above scripture Paul is urging Timothy not to be afraid, but rather to stay strong in his faith. He urges him to remember that he has the gift of God's grace, and being ordained by God, he is able to accomplish whatever God wills him to accomplish. He further reminds him that God has given him the gift of love, and of a sound mind, meaning a disciplined mind. Paul reminds Timothy that the gifts God gave him were all good, and that the spirit of fear was not one of those gifts.

God instructs us numerous times in scripture not to be afraid. He tells us to fear not that He is with us, yet most of us continue to do battle with the spirit of fear. God has a will and a plan for all of our lives. He has given each of us the gifts necessary to carry out that plan, but many people fail to do so because they allow the spirit of fear to prevent them from stepping out in faith, and fulfilling the call He has on their life. For years, I was one of those people. I knew from an early age that I had a call on my life to spread the good news of Christ and to tell others about His precious gift of salvation.  I have a great love for God and for reading and studying His word. I have read and studied the Bible for about 45 years now, and although I love God and the gospel tremendously, I allowed fear to prevent me from answering His call. I listened to the negative thoughts Satan ran through my mind, like who would listen to you, you're not worthy, and so on and so forth. After years of God tugging on my heart strings  I decided to step out in faith and answer His call, and I now feel I am right where He wants me to be, doing exactly what He wants me to do. I have a divine peace and contentment like I have never before known. I have people in my life who encourage me, and that is wonderful I appreciate them a great deal, but I am aware that there are those who don't agree with what I'm doing. I don't allow the people who disagree with my calling, the ones who simply don't like me, or those who attempt to discourage me to effect me in the least, and I mean that with all due respect. I walk in love, but when my journey here on earth is done I won't be answering to people, I'll be answering to God, and it is my hope that He will  be able to say to me well done my good and faithful servant.

Every one has a dream for their life, and things they enjoy doing. Everyone is gifted, and we are told that in God's word. God never intended for us to be miserable, but rather that we enjoy our lives here on earth. The things you enjoy doing and the areas you are gifted in and are passionate about more than likely coincide with with one another and the plan God has for your life. He equips us with the gifts we need in order for Him to accomplish all He desires to accomplish by working through us. For example, He is not going to call you to encourage and witness to others through singing gospel music if you can't sing. If He calls you to encourage and witness to others through the singing of gospel music, then He will certainly give you the gift of a beautiful voice in order to do just that. Have faith and trust in God.

Are you ignoring the call God has on your life? Are you wasting the gifts God has given you? Are you lacking peace and contentment in your life? Are you listening to people instead of God? Are you walking in the spirit of fear? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, remember Isaiah 41:10 (KJV) which says, "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.