Sunday, October 7, 2012

Family Tradition

II Timothy 1:5 (KJV)  Says "When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also."

In the above scripture, Paul is reminding Timothy that he knows firsthand that he comes from a family of steadfast, and unwavering faith. Paul tells him that he saw it in his grandmother first, then his mother, and  he knows that Timothy possesses it as well. Paul is writing this letter to encourage Timothy, and he does so partly by reminding him of his strong faith, which has been evident in his family for generations.

Often times parents fail to realize the impact that they have not only on their children's lives, but their grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so forth. Parents and the family traditions they implement within their homes have an impact on their children, and the many generations that follow. That impact is powerful.

Let me give you an example of one of the many ways parents pass down faith based family traditions to multiple generations, and the impact it can have. My Mom's parents always said grace before each meal, and they passed that tradition down to their five children. When their five children married, and moved into homes of their own there were then six families saying grace before each meal. When their children had children the tradition was passed on to them. This meant, when my grandparents, grandchildren, of which there are a total of fifteen, moved into their own homes, grace was being said before each meal in twenty-one homes, and the importance of this faith based family tradition continues to be instilled in generation after generation within our family.

Biblical bedtime stories, and saying our prayers with Mom before going to sleep each night are also faith based family traditions which took place in our home.I have seen these traditions forwarded to generation after generation within our family as well. It is amazing the lives that one set of parents can touch, and the impact they have in so many areas, but most fail to realize it.

What a great opportunity parents, and grandparents have to impact multiple generations in such a powerful way. Each faith based family tradition you pass on to your children, and grandchildren continues on with every generation that follows.

I would like to encourage you today to take the time to consider the power you have as a parent, or grandparent to impact so many lives in so many positive and powerful ways. Each faith based family tradition that you implement is a seed of faith planted in the hearts of the children in your family, and in the hearts of those to come in future generations. You are setting an excellent Christian example for your children to not only follow, but to pass down to their children, and grandchildren, who will then set a great Christian example for their children, and grandchildren, and so on and so forth to infinite generations. I am old enough now to have seen this working through four generations of my family, and it is wonderful.

What faith based family traditions are you implementing in your home? What are you teaching your children and grandchildren that they will want to implement in the lives of their own children and grandchildren someday? What kind of example are you setting? Take the time to consider the positive impact you can have, and the important role you as a parent and grandparent  play not only in the lives of  your children and grandchildren, but in the lives of the generations that follow. When you stop and think about it, you'll see what an amazing opportunity you have to make a great impact on an infinite number of lives.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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