Wednesday, October 10, 2012


II Chronicles 7:14 (KJV) Says "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

Are you feeling broken, as if the pieces of your life are scattered everywhere and you don't have any idea where to begin putting them back together? There are many people feeling that way these days, and many who have felt that way in the past. When we find ourselves in this state of emotion, it is overwhelming, but the good news is it doesn't have to be.

If you are currently feeling as if your life is out of control, don't accept this as your plight and start decorating for the big pity party you plan to have. Feeling sorry for yourself will only make matters worse. The above scripture tells you exactly how to get your life back on track. First we must humble ourselves and go to God in prayer, turning away from the things we have been guilty of doing, knowing that they don't coincide with righteous living, and are not the will of our Father. If we  simply go to Him in prayer, ask forgiveness for our sins, and  confess our regrets,  then He will hear us, and He will forgive us instantly, and assist us in getting our lives back together.

After we turn to God in prayer and are forgiven, it is important that we not dwell on our past mistakes, but rather that we move forward and learn from them. Ask yourself what part you played in landing where you're at. Are you having financial difficulty because you wasted money? Have you been unkind to someone who has been nothing but kind to you? When things were going great for you did you fail to praise, and thank God for it? Recognize the actions you took that contributed to you being in the situation that you're in. If you've been spending money you don't have on things you don't need? If so, stop it. If you have mistreated someone who has been nothing but kind to you, then acknowledge it, and apologize to them. If you have failed to thank and praise God when things were going great in your life, tell Him you realize it, and ask Him to forgive you. Do whatever you can do to rectify the mistakes you've made, and God will do the rest.

I know from experience what it's like to make a mess of your life, and wind up with your ducks all over the pond. I'm still gathering up a few of mine. None of us will ever be perfect, and God understands that, but we must make a sincere effort to live our lives in a manner that reflects who we are in Christ. We need to make choices and decisions that are wise and responsible, not those that are spur of the moment and filled with reckless abandon.We can't go around living  unrighteous lives, making bad choices then blame and question God when things wind up in disarray. Sometimes it takes a broken state to force people to take an honest look at themselves, their actions, where they've wound up, and what landed them there. It takes a broken state for some to pause, reflect,  and re-evaluate their lives. It is only by taking an honest look at our self and our situation that we will see clearly the changes we must make in order to get back on track.

It is imperative that we are willing to recognize, acknowledge, and take responsibility for our faults, and our actions.  It is impossible for us to work on improving the areas of our life that need improving, if we are unwilling to admit that we have faults, and problem areas. If you're feeling broken, go to God in prayer, ask forgiveness, and He will hear you and forgive you. Do what you can to improve your situation through apologizing to others, changing your financial habits, or whatever it is you can do that will improve your particular situation, and God will certainly do His part.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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