Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Hebrews 12:15 (KJV) Says "Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled,"

The above verse of scripture reminds us  that bitterness has roots, and as we know roots grow deep and  spread out. When a plant first bursts through  the soil it appears tiny, but if the root system of that plant were exposed, the plant wouldn't seem tiny at all. The  roots of bitterness are very similar to the roots of a plant in that they too spread out, are deep, and continue to grow. Bitterness eats away at every aspect of your life, and it will not cease until you get rid of it in its entirety. It has destroyed families, relationships, businesses, and the spiritual lives of many individuals.

Life is full of disappointments, and there will always be people who hurt and offend us. Jesus Says in Luke 17:1 (KJV) "It is impossible but that offenses will come:" He is telling us here that it is inevitable that we will be hurt, disappointed, and offended in this life. We do not, however, have to allow the offenses, disappointments, and pain to take root and spread bitterness into every aspect of our lives. We can instead opt to respond in a manner of forgiveness, and move forward maintaining our sense of joy and peace.

Most of us either know or have known someone who has allowed bitterness to consume them. If you ask them what's wrong they give you a stern one word response like "nothing," but by their demeanor you can see that something or someone in their life has caused them a great deal of emotional pain. They no longer find joy in anything, they become angry when certain topics are discussed, they always have something negative to say about whatever is being discussed, they refuse to smile, and laughter is out of the question. They become the grumpy old lady who lives in the house on the corner or the grumpy old man who wears a frown daily. Almost every neighborhood has individuals like this residing in their midst, and everyone knows who they are. The things they get snippy about are often small, and it is very obvious they are suffering from deep emotional pain.

People who live their lives in a constant state of agitation and anger stemming from a seed of bitterness couldn't possibly want to go around feeling that way. They have allowed bitterness to spread within their spirit to the degree that they see no way of conquering it. They have allowed the pain caused by  disappointment, hurt or offense to consume them, and they have accepted a life of bitterness as their fate.

If you know you're bitter about something and it has taken over your life, decide today that you are no longer going to allow it to have control over you. If you need to forgive someone do so, and move on. Forgiving is healing for you. I urge you to go to God in prayer, and ask Him to help you move past whatever is causing the pain and bitterness in your life. God never intended for any of his children to live bitter lives. He wants us to have joy, happiness, divine peace and contentment, and that is not possible as long as we are harboring bitterness. Decide today that you are going to live the life of happiness that God desires for you to live. Get rid of the bitterness you're harboring roots and all. Knock down the wall you've built around your heart, and give love, trust, happiness, and life another chance. I encourage you to remember that God loves you, and that with Him all things are possible.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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