Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Angels Among Us

Hebrews 1:13-14 (KJV) Says "But to which of the angels said he at any time, sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool? Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?" Hebrews 13:2 (KJV) Says "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."

In the first verses of scripture listed above, the writer of Hebrews is explaining that Christ is superior to the angels, and that angels are ministering spirits sent forth to minister to those who are heirs of salvation. Then we are told in Hebrews 13:2 that it is possible for us to have encounters with angels, and be completely unaware of it. In Genesis Chapter 18 (KJV) three angels visit Abraham, and in Chapter 19 of Genesis (KJV) two angels visit Lot. Angels are mentioned numerous times in the Bible, and they are not always identified as angels by those they are sent forth to visit.

I have no doubt that angels exist, and that they come in contact with people; sometimes without being identified as angels. This has been evident in my life, and in the lives of some who opted to tell me about their experiences. Allow me to share a couple of those amazing stories with you.

One man who I know very well, was struggling with some rather large issues in his life and was headed down a path of self-destruction. He had been saved and baptized some years back, and had always believed strongly in the Lord. During his recent struggles, however,  he had not turned to the Lord for help, and guidance. He found himself at a loss, and his spirit was deeply troubled. Then one day he was several feet away from a pay phone, when it began to ring. He stared at the phone, and knowing the call wouldn't be for him he opted to let it ring. It rang continuously, and when it became obvious that it wasn't going to stop ringing until someone answered it, he chose to pick up the receiver. He lifted the phone to his ear and said hello. The caller responded with a question. Do you know Jesus? The man wanted to make certain he heard the caller correctly, and so he said pardon me? The caller repeated the question. Do you know Jesus? The man answered yes and the caller fell silent. Seconds later the man heard nothing but a dial tone. Jesus was the answer to this man's problems, but he had been so troubled he had failed to see that help was only a prayer away.  That man was  reminded to turn to Jesus that day, and he did just that. Though all of his problems didn't vanish in an instant, he brought God and prayer back to the forefront of his life, and that has remained.Who was that caller with perfect timing, and a perfect one liner? The caller was a stranger, but was he an angel? I think so.

I was blessed, and honored to have a long friendship with a great man, Captain Sammie Davis, who has now gone home to be with the Lord. As a firefighter, he spent many years rescuing people, fighting fires, and saving lives. Needless to say he worked closely with death, and he saw many things that most of us will go through our entire lives without ever seeing. After he retired we had many opportunity's to have long chats, and he would share stories, telling me about some of the experiences he had while serving with the fire department. During one of our conversations he told me a story I'll never forget. He told me he was working an apartment fire one night, and it was no small fire. He and the other firemen were going up and down a flight of stairs carrying people out of their apartments, and some of the people were in pretty bad shape, suffering from smoke inhalation. He said he carried one woman down, and it was certain she wasn't going to make it. He told me that as  he knelt down beside her he felt someone tap him on the shoulder. He looked up, and saw a woman in a beautiful white gown. He said the gown was so white it had a brightness about it. He said the woman in the gown knelt down beside him, and ask if she could pray with the woman he had just brought out of the fire. He told her sure, and so she took the woman's hand and said what he described as one of the sweetest prayers he had ever heard. He had bowed his head and closed his eyes as the woman was praying, and when he  opened his eyes he found that the woman had disappeared as quickly as she had appeared. He was baffled because there had not been ample time for her to walk out of sight before he opened his eyes.  He said he went around asking other people if they'd seen her, but no one had.This story touched my friends heart, and when he shared it with me, it touched mine.  The woman he carried out of the fire passed away, and the woman who prayed for her... Well, did she come to share the final moments of this woman's life?  To escort her home? She was a stranger, but was she an angel? I think so.

Those are just a couple of the experiences that have been shared with me over the years, and there have been many more. Each time I think about even one of these stories it touches my heart. Pay attention to the people you cross paths with, even if the meeting is brief. Make certain you don't miss a message intended for you, and sent by God via a stranger/angel. Don't fail to acknowledge the fact that you have witnessed something divine. What a powerful testimony it is to share our experiences with others.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.


  1. Darlene, Thanks so much for that!!! My father "Captain Davis" would have loved this. He loved all of the long conversations yall had.

  2. Tracey,

    You don't have to thank me. I am so glad you think your Dad would have approved. I treasure the conversations I had with him. It is an honor to have known him, and a privilege to call him my friend. He was a great man.
