Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Heal The World

 Deuteronomy Chapter 28 (KJV) tells us of the blessings we can expect, when we are living our lives in a manner that is pleasing to God, and the curses we can expect, when we are living in a manner that displeases Him. In this passage of scripture Moses is speaking to the Israelites that had been led out of Egypt, and explaining the rewards to be expected if they are  obedient to God, and the consequences to expect if they are disobedient to Him.

We are created and born with a freewill, and therefore it is up to us as to how we choose to live our lives, and what path we choose to follow. We can opt, as many do, to take the broad gate and the wide path, which Matthew 3:17 (KJV) tells us leads to destruction, or we can choose to follow God and enter in at the strait gate following the narrow path that Matthew 7:14 (KJV) tells us leads to life.

Many people have chosen the broad gate, and the wide path; yet there seems to be some confusion as to why the world is in  a state of devastation, and what exactly if anything we can do about it.  Let's take a look at what God promises in Deuteronomy Chapter 28:  in the way of curses, when we opt to live our lives in a manner that is disobedient, and unpleasing to Him. This scripture tells us that the consequences for disobedience to God are, that we will be cursed in the cities and in the fields, that the fruit of our land will be cursed, the fruit of our bodies will be cursed, we will  not have increase in anything, that we will be cursed coming in and going out, we will suffer with diseases that are long and drawn out, the Lord will blast us with fever, burning pain, inflammation, the sword, mildew,and with tumors, scabs, itches that cannot be healed.We will be cursed with madness and blindness. We will not prosper in our ways, and will be oppressed by our enemies and no man shall save us. If a man takes a wife another man will sleep with her. The fruit of our land and all our labors shall a nation that we are not familiar with eat up. The sight of the things we behold with our eyes will drive us mad. Much seed will be planted in the fields, but little harvest will be carried in. Worms will eat the grapes of the vineyards, and locust will eat the trees and fruit of the land. To sum it up there are consequences for disobeying God, just like there are consequences for all other decisions we make.

Just as there are negative consequences for disobedience to God, there are blessings for obedience to him. Let's look at a few of those promised in Deuteronomy Chapter 28 : All of these blessings will come upon us and overtake us, if we are obedient to God. We will be blessed in the cities and in the fields, blessed will be the fruit of our bodies, and we will have increase. We will be blessed coming in and going out. Our enemies will flee before us, and all that we put our hands to will be blessed. The Lord will see to it that we have plenty of everything we need. The Lord will open the treasures of heaven and rain blessings upon us. He will bless the work of our hands and we shall lend to many nations and not borrow. He will make us the head and not the tail, if we will only obey His commandments, choose to follow Him, and walk in his ways.

I think we all know that there are consequences for disobedience whether it is disobeying our parents, breaking the laws of society, breaking the rules at work or at school, and it is not any different with God. We are His children, and when we are disobedient to Him, there are consequences. Moses may have been talking to the Israelites in the above scripture, but the rules still apply today. There is mass evidence that they do, and it can be found all around us. We are constantly having recalls on food due to salmonella, ecoli, and other bacterias, there are many people suffering from various diseases, and long drawn out sicknesses.  There are staph infections that have no cure, flesh eating bacteria, our nation has many enemies, and we  are borrowing from other nations not lending. I don't think we have to search any further for an answer as to whether or not the above scripture applies to all of God's children, and whether or not it is still relevant today.

As for what we can do about it, the good news is God is loving, merciful, kind, and forgiving. Matthew Chapter 30 (KJV) tells us if we go to God in prayer, repent of our sins, and turn back to Him, He will forgive us, restore us, and rain blessings down upon us once more. We must come together as Christians,  pray for the healing of our nation, and pray for those who have gone astray to repent and turn back to God. If we remain in denial about exactly what the problem is with the world, and why thing's are in a down hill spiral we will never have the peaceful, joyous, blessed lives that God intended for us to have. The longer people remain in denial refusing to turn back to God the worse things will get.

I know that there are those that only desire to hear scripture which contains promises from God that will bless them. The truth of the matter is, however, we cannot search God's word for what we want to hear, and what blessings He has in store for us while omitting the ones that instruct us on how we are to live our lives, and what things God expects from us in order to receive his blessings. It doesn't work that way. Pray for peace, repentance, love, kindness, mercy, and understanding toward one another. Pray for our nation and it's leaders, pray for the lost souls of this world. Pray for those who have strayed from the Lord to repent, and turn again to Him. Pray for healing all over the world. Pray that all people will opt to enter in at the strait gate, and that they will have the desire to walk the narrow way. We must come together, ask forgiveness for our disobedience, and turn back to God, if we have any intention of doing our part to heal the world.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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