Sunday, November 25, 2012

Run Your Race

Hebrews 12:1-2 (KJV) Says, "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."

The above scripture tells us that we are surrounded by people who can serve as great witnesses to us on how exactly we are to run the race set before us, and how we are to live out our lives as Christians. It also tells us that we should look to Jesus as the ultimate example because He not only left us instructions on how to do so in scripture, He ran His race, finished it, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

The first thing this passage tells us to do is to lay aside every weight. We cannot run an effective race carrying around a heavy load of  guilt, shame, remorse, unforgiveness, worry or any other like baggage. In order to run our race of faith, serve as effective witnesses to others, and follow the plan God has for our lives, we must get rid of any emotional issues that stand in our way. If we have any unsettled emotional baggage, we need to settle whatever issues we have, drop that weight, and move on. If you are carrying around a burden of guilt, shame or remorse due to something you've done, go to God in prayer and ask forgiveness for it. He will forgive you immediately, and when he does don't dwell on whatever it is any longer. Once you ask God for forgiveness you are forgiven so accept that, and move forward without the weight of that burden. If you feel you have offended someone, hurt their feelings, or wronged them in some way, apologize to them. If you owe someone an apology, humble yourself and apologize. Humility is a wonderful trait. If you are carrying around a load of worry take it to the Lord in prayer, and leave it there. Cast your cares on God He loves you and He is always there for you. Leave the weight of your worry in His hands, this also lightens your load enabling you to run your race more effectively.

Another big hindrance to running an effective race is sin. Do you have sins in your life that you know God has been dealing with you about? Do you have anything going on in your life that you know does not coincide with your Christian walk? We all sin as we are all human, and no human being is perfect. There is only one perfect, and that is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. If you are having a problem with an area in your life that you know is resulting in sin, and you are struggling with letting it go, take the issue to God in prayer. Ask him to forgive you for whatever it is, to grant you the strength to stop whatever it is, and to stay away from it forever. Stay strong, God will help you. Once you decide you're going to listen to God regarding whatever sins  He may be dealing with you about, and you make the appropriate changes in your life, you will be able to lay down the weight of your sins, and continue running your race.

We are instructed to run the race set before us with patience, and in order for us to do so, we must drop all of the excess baggage that is weighing us down. We cannot live our lives in a manner that sets a good Christian example for others, and follows the plan God has for our lives, if we are bogged down with extra weight.

Finally we are instructed to look to Jesus as a perfect example of how we are to run our race. He laid out and designed the course, He ran, and finished His race. Jesus experienced what it is like to be in high demand, He was followed every where he went by multitudes of people. He experienced what it was like to have many people wanting something from Him. On more than one occasion he separated Himself from everyone, sought solitude, and prayed. This set a great example for us, in  how to prevent becoming overwhelmed. He knew when he needed to be alone, and pray, and He did so. Jesus was mocked, spit on, betrayed, rejected, lied about, beaten, crucified, and suffered in many other ways, still He stayed the course, and He finished the race set before Him.

I would like to encourage you today to lay down any extra weight you've been carrying. Lay it down, and walk away from it. Stay your course, setting an example for others on how a true Christian lives their life. Run your race, following the plan God has for you. When the race gets tough, look to Jesus He experienced many things firsthand, He is all knowing, He is always there for you, and He is greater than any problem you have.

If  you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.