Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Heal the World

James 3:8-12 (KJV) Says "But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be. Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?  Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? either vine, figs? So can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh."

The above scripture makes it clear that having an unruly tongue is serious business. It tells us  that an unruly tongue is evil and filled with deadly poison. That's a powerful description, given in an attempt to make perfectly clear the importance of monitoring what we allow to come out of our mouths. The scripture points out that many are using the same tongue to praise God, and to curse their fellow men, who are created by God in His own image. Therefore, out of the same mouths are coming blessings, and cursing. This scripture plainly tells us this should not happen, and gives us examples using a fountain, and stating it can't send forth both sweet and bitter water. Another example it gives us is that a fig tree cannot bring forth both olive berries and figs. The final example it gives us is that a fountain cannot yield both salt water and fresh. A fountain is either spewing salt water or it's spewing fresh water, it cannot spew both from the same spout simultaneously. In other words, we either speak in a manner that is pleasing to God or we don't.

Guarding my tongue, and the things I allow to come out of my mouth has been a work in progress, and initially it was very difficult for me. Although it is a constant work, and will continue to be the longer you work on it, the easier it becomes to monitor your mouth, and the fewer slip ups you have. I am no different from anyone else when it comes to battles of the flesh, we are all mere humans. However, we each need to make a conscious effort to work on the issues that we know we need to correct within ourselves, and the tongue is a great place to start.

Having an unruly tongue is a wide spread problem in today's world, and it is one that seems to be growing at a rapid pace. As Christians, all forms of our communication should reflect that of a Christian. Often times, however, we hear people who identify themselves as Christians say things like  "Praise the Lord," "God is good," and then curse someone or something in the same breath. I honestly believe that many Christians have become numb and unconscious in regards to how this type behavior damages their credibility as witnesses for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

We can't keep proclaiming to be Christians, and continue to watch filth on television, listen to music filled with cursing and violence, and curse one another using terms like "bitch" which some have even come to accept as endearing. I personally detest the word, and find it alarming that so many people use it to curse, describe, or address the women in their lives. I am sickened by all of the things that have somehow become acceptable in today's society. It is nothing for some who claim to be Christians to sing along to a song on the radio made up of lyrics that should cause a Christian to cringe. Violence, nudity, and cursing, have all become common place on prime time television, and can be found in what many Christians have no problem claiming as their favorite shows.

I believe that most Christians who do these things do them unconsciously, and not to purposefully dishonor God. When we take time to pray and to read and study the Bible,we further develop our personal relationship with God drawing closer to him. This helps keep us more sensitized to wrong behavior allowing the Holy Spirit within us to give us a nudge should we start to do something that as Christians we know we shouldn't.  We are living in a world that needs now more than ever for Christians to set a Godly example for all those around them. When we live our lives in a righteous manner, and allow God's light to shine through us it can have a major impact on all those we come in contact with. When we set a Godly example for the children in our lives as they watch us, and follow In our footsteps, it has a profound impact on them as they grow into adults, and head out into the world.

It is time for Christians to start behaving like Christians. I work on watching my mouth, and keeping my behavior in check daily. While knowing I'll never be perfect, I will continue to do my best to live my life in a manner that is pleasing to God, and will do so for as long as I live. The point is we must recognize within ourselves our weaknesses, and begin to work on them. Go to God in prayer and profess to Him that you struggle with this or that sin, and He will give you the strength to conquer it. We can't expect God to answer our prayers, rain blessings down upon us, and do everything we want Him to do, while we continue to ignore the things that we need to work on within ourselves. Most people I know don't reward their children for misbehaving, and God is no different.We are all children of God, and just as we are hurt when our children misbehave, God is hurt when His do.

The world is in a state of devastation, and we desperately need to come together as Christians displaying, love, understanding, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, and all other Godly traits as we go about as witnesses for Him. We must keep our mouths pure, our hearts right, and our eyes focused on God, if we have any hope of Him turning this ungodly world around. We should have the desire in our hearts to do what is pleasing and right in the sight of God. If we as Christians will work on ourselves, and our relationship with God, repent of the things we are guilty of, and turn back to Him, He will hear our prayers. Let's  join together and pray for the healing of our nation, and for the healing of this world.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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