Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Living In Obedience To God

Deuteronomy Chapter 28 (KJV) informs us that we will receive blessings for being obedient to God, and that there are consequences we will face for being disobedient to Him. 

We are living in a world full of evil, one in which there are people attempting to take God out of everything. It's a world being repeatedly pounded by natural disasters, one in which people are suffering from diseases that have no cure. There are people facing financial ruin, homelessness is rampant, and  people are dying of starvation every second. There are devastating tragedies occurring all over the globe, family members are turning against one another, and the list goes on and on. There are consequences for sin, and we are witnessing firsthand many of those consequences. God warns us in His Word that we will face cursings for disobedient living, and blessings for living in obedience to Him. We have the freewill to choose which path of living we will take, and many have chosen to disregard the narrow way of righteousness, and take off down the broad path filled with unrighteousness. The world is full of disobedience to God, and as Christians we know  there are consequences for this, yet there remains a confused state of bewilderment among believers as to why things are unfolding as they are.

There are people who proclaim to be Christians running around spewing hate for those they recognize are committing a sin that they themselves are not guilty of. Christians should deal kindly and mercifully with others in an attempt to lead them to Christ. We should walk in love, and if we are  judging others, and practicing hate that's not walking in love. Spewing hate, and judging only leads to strengthening the reputation Christians have of thinking we are "holier than thou," above others, and that we see ourselves as perfect. This my friends runs people away from the Lord, and it does so with a quickness.This behavior is far from the example Jesus set for us on how we should conduct ourselves toward others. There are those who go to Church on Sunday to worship the Lord, and then curse, lose their tempers repeatedly, walk in a state of constant bitterness and anger, whine and complain constantly, stir up strife, gossip, judge others, get drunk, disrespect their spouse, set poor examples for their children, and behave in other like manners throughout the rest of the week. I've heard people come home from Church, and start talking about the individuals in the congregation. "Did you see how short her skirt was?" "Did you see the tattoo on that boy's arm?" " If he belonged to me he'd get a hair cut," and so forth. When these people are finished ripping the congregation to shreds, you can ask them what the preacher preached on, however, and half the time they can't tell you because they have no earthly idea. How sad is that?  Some of these individuals are the same ones who will  be the first to tell you which group of people, committing which particular sin, are to blame for the state of the world. The state of the world is not due to any one particular sin or behavior, but rather various sins and behaviors. To admit this would mean that each of us need to look within ourselves, and repent of our own wrong doings, and many are not willing to do that. Since we all have areas in our lives that need work, myself included, refusal to take a good inventory of our own behavior is to live in a state of denial. None of us will ever be perfect, and therefore it stands to reason that we all have room for improvement.

We as Christians must repent of our wrong doings, and turn back to God and His Word for instructions on how we are to live our lives. We must witness in love, and pray for God to convict and touch the hearts of those that are lost instead of being the first to condemn them. All Christians should live their lives in a manner that causes unbelievers to desire what we have, and that is Jesus Christ, as our personal Lord and Savior. We need to spend time with God everyday in order to strengthen our relationship with Him. It is important that we pray, read and study the Bible, and that we follow the instructions he gave us in His Word. It is important that we strive to follow the example that Jesus set for us, when He was here on earth. 

We must begin work on ourselves, improve upon our own behavior daily, and walk in love as we go out into the world as witnesses for Christ. God is Almighty and He is mightier than any evil. He can turn the state of this world around in an instant, if we will repent and turn to Him. It is time for each of us to look within ourselves, and take an inventory of the areas in our lives that need improvement. We have to step up to the plate, and take responsibility for our own areas of disobedience, and begin work to correct them. We must stop blaming and questioning God for the state of the world. He didn't create for us a world filled with hatred, anger, crime, violence, and evil. He created for us a world filled with beauty, love, kindness, and divine peace. it is mankind, and our behavior that has drastically altered that world.

 If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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