Saturday, May 18, 2013


Proverbs 25:28 (KJV) Says, "He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.

In the above scripture we are told that not having control over our own spirit is like a city broken down having no walls. In days of old cities had walls for protection, and to monitor all that came in and went out. Without walls a city was vulnerable to anything, and everything. Without walls enemies, and other evils could enter the city with ease.

When we fail to practice self-control losing control over our own spirit, we are much like these cities. We leave ourselves unprotected, and vulnerable to Satan, and his wiles. We lose focus along with our composure, and we open doors in every direction that he is more than eager to walk through. A loss of self-control never results in anything positive. What good could possibly come as a result of temper tantrums, cursing, fighting, whining, complaining, yelling, screaming, arguing, or any other action resulting from loss of self-control? The answer is none. How much damage can result from us losing self-control? The answer to  this question is a tremendous amount.

When we lose control, it is disappointing to God, and exciting to Satan. After we calm down we are disappointed, and upset with ourselves, and we have disappointed and upset any family members, and or friends that witnessed it. Most importantly, we have damaged our personal testimony. Christians who are to live their lives following the example that Jesus set for them, have no business allowing themselves to reach a point where they behave in a manner that displays a loss of self-control.

Not all people have a problem with self-control, and that's great, but many do. If you are one who does, I encourage you to make it a priority on your list of things that need your attention. In the past I've had a bit of a problem myself with losing my temper, and being argumentative in certain instances. This is something I had to admit to myself, and work to improve on.  Having a desire to live my life for the Lord, I knew it was something I had to begin work on immediately, which I did. I am happy to report that with help from God, and the desire in my heart to have better self-control I am much improved in this area. To God be the glory.

People who lack self-control have to stop making excuses, and looking for someone to blame, when they lose it. If we lose control over ourselves then we only have ourselves to blame. We may not be able to control the actions of others, or what they say,  but we are in control of our reactions, and the words that come out of our mouths. In fact, it is always best to pause as long as necessary then respond instead of reacting.

If you have a problem with self-control, I urge you to begin working on it right away. I know it is possible to conquer this problem, because with God all things are possible. If we are honest with ourselves there are certain places where no matter how upset we get we would never lose control, and there are certain people we would never allow to see us lose it. For instance, I would never lose control in Church, and when I was a child in an argument with my siblings, the moment our Mom appeared in the doorway my siblings and I were all smiles, and more than happy to be playing with one another. If we can control ourselves at certain times, and in front of certain people then that should tell us something. Maintain control of yourself, and keep all doors closed to Satan. Let the only doors that open in your life be the ones that God opens for you.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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