Wednesday, May 22, 2013

We Reap What We Sow

Galatians 6:7 (KJV) Says, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked:  for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." II Corinthians 9:6 (KJV) Says, "But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully."

As the above scripture from Galatians tells us we should never deceive ourselves into believing that we are hiding anything from God or that we are pulling one over on Him. He is all knowing, all seeing, and He is everywhere. If we do something that is wrong, and we think we are hiding it from God then I assure you, we are the only ones being deceived. If we go around sowing bad seeds like mistreating others, judging people, lying, cursing, cheating, or any other of the numerous bad seed possibilities that are out there, then how can we be shocked when things begin to go wrong in our lives. As we are told in the above scripture whatever we sow, we will also reap. If we are kind to others we will reap kindness, if we show compassion for others then we will reap compassion, if we show ourselves merciful then we will reap mercy.

The phrase you reap what you sow is familiar to many if not most people, and I hear it used on a regular basis. I don't think people take the time to truly consider the meaning of the phrase, however, or they may become a bit choosier about what seeds they sow. So many of us are quick to complain when things don't go our way, when someone is rude to us, or we are treated unfairly by someone, but few of us stop to think about how we have behaved toward others, when the shoe has been on the other foot. We may just be reaping what we've sown. How we behave and conduct ourselves in everyday life comes back to us, and yet many people who have done very little to sow good seeds are the first ones to act completely shocked when something goes wrong for them.

When we sow numerous good seeds we are pleasing God,  and as the above scripture taken from II Corinthians tells us we will reap plenty of good for doing so. If we rarely ever sow a good seed, then we can't expect to reap blessings in abundance. If I plant five tomato plants then I am going to reap far more tomatoes than I will if I only plant one. We can't expect to sit around waiting on God to rain multiple blessings on us, and show us favor through others if we have done nothing that warrants us deserving it.

We would find life far more pleasant, if we began focusing on planting good seeds in the form of helping others and doing good deeds. If we learn to do this with the right heart, blessings and favor will come in the form of what we reap, as we are told in the above scripture. As followers of Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit dwelling within us we should have a natural desire in our hearts to help others, and have no concern for what we may get in return. When I think of all that God has done for me expecting nothing in return, my heart overflows with love, and gratitude.

What kind of seeds are you sowing? Are you sowing in abundance? Are you sowing good seeds because you have the desire to do so in your heart? God is not deceived He knows what we're doing, why we're doing it, and how often we're doing it. The next time you use or hear the phrase you reap what you sow, pause and consider that there are consequences or blessings that come along with that truth.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.


  1. Great insight, Darlene. Really makes me think what kind of seeds I am sowing. Thank you for writing and posting this. God Bless You.


  2. Thank you so much for the kind words, and for taking the time to read my blog. I often remind myself to think about the seeds I'm sowing. May God bless you
