Sunday, August 10, 2014


Hebrews 6:18-20 (KJV) Says, "That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us. Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the veil; Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made a high priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek."

Beginning at the end of verse 18, we find that three pictures are used to demonstrate the security of being in Christ, and being anchored to Him. It is first described as being a safe retreat for us as were the six cities of refuge set aside in the Old Testament for those in need of a safe haven. Being in Christ provides us protection, strength, comfort, and a divine peace which is far greater than any earthly peace could ever be, and it provides us with anything and everything else we could ever possibly need. Secondly the above scripture makes clear that our hope in Him is sure and steadfast just like a well-placed, unbendable anchor. As believers, our anchor is  not located in the deepest sea, but rather in the highest heaven. The third figure mentioned above is that of a forerunner, and our forerunner is Jesus. He is positioned in the sanctuary of Heaven, and has opened the way before us, that we may rest assured that we will eventually and certainly enter in with Him.

Having been born with a freewill, we can make the choice as to who or what we will anchor to, placing our trust in, depending on, and having faith that it will sustain us. Some people anchor themselves to their careers feeling as though they can depend on their social status, the amount of money they make, or some worldly possession to sustain them, and bring them peace and happiness. These people never consider the fact that their social status can drop, they could lose their job, and all their worldly possessions; or more importantly that these things can do absolutely nothing for us when we are faced with the trials and tribulations that come upon each of us in life.

When we are anchored in Christ we are anchored to a rock. Like a rock that is so heavy it can't be moved so is Christ. I choose to be anchored in Christ because I know without doubt, that I can trust and depend on Him never having to worry He may reject, hurt, abandon, or disappointment me. I choose to be anchored to Christ knowing that in Him I have hope and His freely given, precious gift of eternal life to be spent in Heaven with Him, and my loved ones that have passed on before me. I choose to be anchored to Christ because I know that I have in Him a best friend who is there for me twenty four hours a day, seven days a week to listen, and to lead, guide, and direct me. I choose to be anchored in Christ because I have in Him someone who loves me tremendously and unconditionally, someone who shows me mercy, understanding, and kindness even when I don't deserve it. I choose to be anchored in Christ because I have in him someone who forgives me repeatedly, and because he is my rock, my strength, my comfort, my refuge, and my hope.

 Having made the choice to anchor myself to Christ, I feel His presence in the strength, comfort, divine peace, and in the hope that He freely gives me, and none of these things could ever be remotely matched by anything or anybody in this world. From where do you get strength and comfort? In who or what do you place your faith and trust? Wherein lies your hope? Have you placed your hope in Christ as the anchor of your soul? Do you place your trust, and faith in Him, or do you place it in something else that you are in constant fear of losing? I encourage you to seriously consider what or who your are anchored to?

If you have not come to know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and you have the desire in your heart to do so, then I urge you to take action immediately because we are not promised tomorrow. Simply go to God in prayer, ask him to forgive you for all your sins, tell him you believe that Jesus was born, that he died on the cross for your sins, and that he rose again, and ask him to come into your heart and be your Lord and Savior.

If you prayed the above prayer and accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, congratulations you made the greatest, and most important decision you will ever make. May you forever remain anchored to him.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you leave me a message, and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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