Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Perfect Peace

Isaiah 26:3 (KJV) Says, "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee." II Corinthians 4:18 (KJV) Says, "While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen:  for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal."

In the above verse of scripture taken from the book of Isaiah, we are promised that if we keep our minds on God and trust Him He will provide us with perfect peace. Please note that He doesn't just promise us peace, but rather a perfect peace. This is a peace that is only attainable by keeping our focus on God, and trusting Him with all things. It is a peace that is divine, and can come only from our Heavenly Father. The above verse of scripture taken from II Corinthians  instructs us to look at the things which are not seen because the things that we can see are of this world, and are only temporary. The things we can't see are eternal, and those are the things we should be focused on. We can't see God's plan for our lives, but we know we can trust him because he doesn't make mistakes, He has power over all people and things, He loves us tremendously, He has never broken a promise, and His timing is perfect. When we surrender our life to Him and allow Him to lead, guide, and direct our path we will find perfect peace, comfort, joy, and security of a magnitude so great it cannot be matched by anything earthly.

We all search for security whether it be in our jobs, in our finances, our relationships, or any other area of our life we feel is out of control. Many people somehow feel that if they could gain control of everything in their life they could finally feel secure, relax, and be at peace. The harder we try to control events in our own lives, however, the more things seem to spiral out of control and the more agitated and frustrated we become. The reason for this is that true security and divine peace are not of this world, and we can never attain them without God's help.

If we desire divine peace we must remain focused on God, and put our full trust in Him. We must focus our attention on His presence, and not on things of this world. If we build and maintain a strong personal relationship with God through prayer, reading and studying His Word, meditating on it, listening and looking for him to lead and guide us, attend worship services, and fellowship with other believers leaving all our problems to God we will experience His perfect peace.

Trusting God and surrendering our life fully to Him seems to be something many people resist for various reasons of their own. You could ask these same individuals if they thought they had more control over situations that arise than  Almighty God does, and they would more than likely say they did not, but yet they continue to fight for control in their lives refusing to let go and trust Him.

Why would anyone want to struggle so desperately to hold onto issues and situations that they have absolutely no way of controlling, when they could turn it all over to God who is all-knowing, omnipresent,  and all-powerful? There is nothing to difficult for God. When you look at it that way it doesn't seem even remotely reasonable to struggle so hard for control in lieu of turning things over to Him.

Do you struggle and work hard at attempting to gain peace in your life? Do you leave God out of every problem and situation you face? Do you go to God only after you're frustrated and exhausted, exclaiming you don't know what else to do? If so, I urge you to change the order of things, and take your cares to God first. Build a close personal relationship with him, and be constantly aware of His presence, and His power. It is only in surrendering to Him that we can finally learn what it means to truly relax, and experience perfect peace. I urge you to simply let go and let God.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, send me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.


  1. Once you have attained the inner peace that only God can provide, then and only then will you begin to understand the magnitude of his love and direction in your life. It is so liberating to rid yourself of all the stress and worry once you truly surrender to His will for your life. I praise Him for never giving up on me! As you said, it is a change of heart and mind to dedicate our time to a close relationship with God, in prayer and studying His Word and applying it in every aspect of our lives! There is nothing He can’t deliver us from! It’s the only way...I can’t stress it enough!

    Thanks for this wonderful message!

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, and for sharing your personal experience as to what it means and is to walk in perfect peace with God. You expressed it very well. Firsthand experiences such as yours serve as a wonderful testimony to others as to how great God truly is!
