Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Hearing From God

John 10:27 (KJV) Says, "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me." Jeremiah 29:13 (KJV) Says, "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

The above verses of scripture make it clear that God speaks to us. If we are born again believers in Jesus Christ, living our lives in a righteous manner, searching for God with all our heart, we will hear from him. Most of us have set out to accomplish something in our lives, and had the experience of feeling as though our heart was simply not in it. When this happens the end result is less than satisfying. Therefore knowing that hearing from God is of such importance we must make certain we are searching for him with all of our heart just as the Word of God instructs us to. We should never go at building a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior half-heartedly.

You may feel that God doesn't speak to you, but the truth is God will speak to anyone who seeks him. Often times people miss God speaking to them because they are not seeking him, or because when he does speak it goes unrecognized. God uses several methods in which to speak to his children, and there is no limit to his means of communication with us.

God communicates with us continually through his Word, the things we see, sounds, thoughts, and various other methods of communication. For instance pray and ask God to shine light on his Word so that you are enlightened to any and all things he wants to share with you, and when you begin reading and studying your Bible he will do just that.  He also communicates with us through sight, and I know this firsthand because I have experienced it more than once in my life. For example there was a time not long ago that I felt anxious about something, and I was allowing that anxiety to steal the divine peace that God had so graciously given me. I took my issue to God in prayer, and I confessed my feelings to him. I told him that I knew he worked all things together for my good, and that I trusted him with all my heart. Shortly after praying this prayer I walked outside on the back deck and at that very moment several doves landed on the lawn. As you know, doves are a symbol of peace, and my divine peace was restored by God through sight at that very instant. If I have a decision to make, and I go to God in prayer asking him to guide me in making that decision he will direct me by giving me a sudden thought that leaves me with no doubt as to what it is I need to do.

I urge you to seek God with all your heart, trust him, and lean on him in all things. Don't allow yourself to get so busy with life that you fail to spend time with God, and build a strong personal relationship with him. Put God first in your life, and pay attention to all he has to share with you. He is there for you always, he wants to communicate with you, he wants you to hear him, and you will if you choose to seek him with your whole heart.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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