Saturday, March 18, 2017

I Cried Out and God Heard Me

Psalm 18:6 (KJV) Says, "In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried unto my God:  he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears." Psalm 34:4 (KJV) Says, "I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears." Psalm 55:17 (KJV) Says, "Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud:  and he shall hear my voice."

The above verses of scripture are just a few of the many examples found in God's Word of people crying out to him in times of trouble, having him hear them, and answer their pleas. He heard the pleas of people 2000 years ago, he hears ours today, and he will hear those who cry out to him until the end of time. I know this firsthand because he has answered mine many times, and just this past week he answered me again in a mighty way.

Let me begin by stating that I love my family tremendously, and that we are a very close knit group. We are a huge part of each others lives, and we are steadfast in our support for one another. This is important for me to share in order to convey to you, in the best way possible, the fear that raced through me this past Monday morning.

The day began like any other Monday with me at work on assignments in a theology class in one room, and my Mom caring for my great-niece, and great-nephew in the next. Mom was holding my great-niece who had fallen asleep in her arms, and my great-nephew was asleep in a crib directly beside Mom's chair. Suddenly, I hear my Mom call my name in a tone that expressed deep fear; it was a tone that made clear to me something was terribly wrong. I ran to the next room and saw my Mom nudging the crib as she was laying my great-niece down in the chair. The words that came from her mouth horrified me. She said, "Darlene he's not breathing." My nephew, who is father to these two blessings from God; had sleep apnea as an infant as did his sister; so I had  infant CPR classes in the late eighties and early nineties  just in case, God forbid,  I'd ever need to use it. The instant I approached my great-nephew's crib, the things I was taught  in those classes came rushing back to me. Mom had handled the first two steps by making certain he wasn't breathing, and by attempting to get him to begin breathing again by nudging him as he lay in his crib. He still wasn't breathing, so terrified I picked him up under both arms with a sudden movement as I had been instructed to do in the Infant CPR classes. It didn't work; he was still unresponsive. I began rubbing his arms, legs, and back, and calling his name. I then pulled him out away from my body so I could check him, and still no response. I repeated these steps as I cried out to God for help, and I mean I literally and audibly cried out to God begging him to Please Help Me. Just as I was about to start CPR I noticed my great-nephew slightly open his eyes, and I knew he was breathing again. The gratitude and relief I felt in that moment was so great there are no words that could possibly do it justice. This nightmare my Mom and I experienced lasted only seconds, but I have to tell you it seemed like a lifetime. My great-nephew was evaluated at our local children's hospital, and placed on a sleep monitor that will alarm should he ever, God forbid, have another episode of sleep apnea, and he is doing well.

God was with me and my Mom that day, and I am so thankful for that. I give him great praise, tremendous thanks, and all the glory for the way things turned out. It was God who prompted my Mom to look over into that crib at the exact moment she did, and it was God who, in an instant, brought the things I learned in those infant CPR classes so many years ago to the forefront of my mind. It was God who  gave me and my Mom the strength we needed to handle this situation without falling apart, and it was God who put breath back into my great-nephew's body. I have to tell you that every time I see the green light blink on his monitor, indicating that he is taking a breath, I instantly praise and thank God for it.

I encourage you to remember that there are many examples in the Bible of individuals and groups of people crying out to God, and having him hear their pleas. David is one of those examples. He cried out to God many times, God heard him , and answered his pleas; all those years ago, I cried out to God just this past Monday, he heard me, and he answered my pleas in a mighty way, and that if you cry out to him there is know doubt he will hear and answer you.

I further encourage you to praise and thank God every day for the miracles, blessings, and answered prayers he has given you in your life, and  to have faith without doubt that he is who he says he is, and that he can do what he says he can do. Stand firm on God's Word and his promises knowing his Word is truth, and that he has never broken one single promise.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you!

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