Friday, May 19, 2017

Crossing Paths

Philippians 2:4 (KJV) Says, "Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others."

The above passage of scripture makes clear that we are to  be concerned with others and their needs, in lieu of focusing solely on ourselves and what we want and need. We live in a world where many people tend to be self-centered, and to be honest most of those who live that way are miserable. The truth is not only are they miserable; they are blind as to why. The answer is we were not created by Almighty God, in his own image, to be self-centered, but rather to notice others and their needs and help them in any way that we can. We are to follow the example set for us by Jesus Christ and he demonstrated selflessness in the greatest of ways, when he being perfect and sinless gave his life on the cross to pay our sin debt in full.

The Apostle Paul is a great example of someone who had concern for others and their well-being no matter what his personal circumstances were. He was in prison, in shackles, on a dirt floor, eating prison food, and not once did he display a woe is me attitude or concentrate on how he could save himself. Instead, he preached and taught the gospel where he was, and he wrote letter after letter to various Churches encouraging them. Through this work that Paul did during this time many souls were lead to the Lord, and the gospel was spread far and wide. He spread the gospel further with his writings than he probably could have had he been free from prison and spreading it on foot.

Another great example of someone who had concern for another human being even though he is walking through trials of his own is a gentleman who was doing some clean-up outside of a restaurant in Atlanta. A very dear friend of mine is staying with her son who is hospitalized in ICU with serious injuries. My friends son is in a medically induced coma, and has been for a week now. She told me that she left his bedside to walk down and get a bite to eat. As she was walking she noticed this gentleman cleaning up outside the restaurant, and he noticed her. He noticed that she carried a look of sadness and concern in her eyes. He noticed she had a heavy heart. He ask her if something was wrong, and if she was visiting someone in the hospital. She explained that she was, and that it was her son who was in serious condition. The gentleman then ask if he could pray with her, and she said absolutely. He prayed a sweet prayer with her, and started to walk away. My friend stopped him and ask if he was from Atlanta, and he said no that he was from Griffin, but he was currently homeless. She said she noticed he had a gentleness and a kindness about him even before he asked to pray with her. She said he wore a cross about his neck, and that you could see the light of Christ in him. Although he never asked my friend for money; she ask him to come with her to the elevator and wait for her to come back down. He complied and she blessed him in a monetary way so that he could get something eat. The gentleman thanked her and walked away, and my friend returned to her son's bedside. God allowed these two strangers to cross paths, and they blessed one another. This gentleman could have been focused on the fact that he had no money, that he was homeless, that he had no idea what he was going to do, and could have been completely self-absorbed, but he, like Paul,  wasn't focused on himself at all. He noticed my friend and the sadness and concern in her eyes, and asked if he could pray with her. God bless him.

Are you self-absorbed? Do you spend most of your time focused on what you need and what you want? Do you notice pain and sadness in the eyes of others? If so do you ask if there is anything you can do to help them or do you just keep walking? Do you offer to pray with them? Do you even offer a smile of encouragement?

I urge you to take your focus off of yourself, and place it on others. Pay attention to others, and help them when you can. It doesn't have to be monetary help it can be a prayer, a smile, or any manner of help or encouragement that you are able to give them. When we take the focus off of ourselves and bless others it is a great feeling, and more importantly it is pleasing to God. If we focus on helping others in lieu of being self-absorbed then we will find that we are much happier, and that we no longer have the desire to whine and complain about our own circumstances. In fact, we will find ourselves feeling more and more grateful.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you!

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