Thursday, October 12, 2017

Why Go to Church?

Hebrews 10:25 (KJV) Says, "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another:  and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." Matthew 18:20 (KJV) Says, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Exodus 20:8 (KJV) Says, "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy."

The above verses of scripture are just a few of the many found within the pages of God's Word that shine light on the importance of attending Church on a regular basis, and of having a Church family. There are, in fact, many more. The above verse taken from the book of Hebrews advises us not to abandon coming together to worship. It advises us not only to come together, but to lift one another up as well. This verse further advises that the closer the second coming of Jesus Christ is; the more important our assembling together becomes.

I have spoken with many individuals of late who express that they see no reason to attend worship services; nor do they feel that it is necessary to be a part of a Church family. Many have expressed to me that they can have a strong personal relationship with God without attending Church. Most, if not all, of these individuals have shared with me that they attended Church in the past, but were offended by something a congregation member said or did, and this prompted them to leave the Church with no intention of returning.

Let me say that I am not in denial about the fact that there are self-proclaimed Christians in this world who behave toward others in a manner that is far from Christ-like. Christians have been labeled by some as having an attitude of holier than thou, being judgmental, condemning, and in some cases blatantly rude. With that being said, however, it is important that we not allow any individual or group of people to stop us from coming together to Worship in the house of the Lord, and to fellowship with one another. It is important that first we recognize that Churches are made up of human beings, and as such all are fallible. It is also important that we recognize the fact that Satan works through any means possible in order to distance us from God and to prevent us from furthering the gospel and serving him. This includes working through people.

In lieu of opting to stay out of Church, I urge you to recognize the fact that the Christians who behave in this manner are far fewer in number than those who welcome you, and are there for you. I encourage you to remind yourself that the Bible instructs us to come together, and the importance of doing sos. Stand firm in your faith, and continue attending worship services. Stay focused on God and pray for those who offend you with any behavior or speech that is not Christ-like. The truth is a person who claims to be a Christian and then goes about offending people on a regular basis by judging, condemning, pointing fingers, gossiping, being rude, and so forth needs our prayers. Behavior of this nature does nothing to lead people to the Lord, in fact, it pushes them away, and Satan loves it. Don't fall prey to a Church member or small group of Church members of this nature, if you happen to become one of their targets. Recognize them as fallible human beings, pray for them, stay focused on God, and continue in your steadfast walk with him. Leaving Church because of an offense you suffered is to give Satan the victory, and none of us want that.

I encourage you to remember that attending Church and being  part of a Church family is of great importance. It is in worship services that we are blessed with the opportunity to sing and praise the Lord together. It is in Church that we grow in our knowledge of God as we hear his Word preached.  It is in Church that we fellowship with other Christians, and develop relationships with with individuals who share our in our beliefs. Another important thing to remember is that God has given us all various gifts to be used in service to him, and when we come together as believers willing to use our gifts in service to God we can accomplish a great deal more by being part of a team in lieu of flying solo. It is also in Church that we are blessed to witness people come to accept Christ, and that is always a blessing. I'll leave you with two final reasons as to why it is important to attend Church on a regular basis, and to fellowship with other believers; for one because God's Word instructs us to do so, and finally because it is pleasing to him.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you!

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