Sunday, December 10, 2017

Holding On

II Corinthians 5:17 (KJV) Says, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." Romans 8:5 (KJV) Says, "For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit."

The above verse of scripture taken from II Corinthians plainly states that once we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we become a new person, and that old things pass away. As new found believers we are on fire for Jesus, spend time praising him, thanking him, praying, reading his word, worshiping him, and having fellowship with other Christians. Another point this verse of scripture makes is that the moment we are born again old things pass away, as we no longer have the desire to live a life of disobedience to God.

We must be mindful to keep God first in our lives, and to make a conscience effort to spend time in personal devotion with him on a daily basis. It is of the utmost importance that we spend time daily praying, reading God's word, and listening to him for guidance, and direction in our lives. Unfortunately, many Christians at some point during their walk with God begin to drift away from him. This happens with some long time believers, as well as some that are new to Christ. There are many reasons for falling away none for which God is to blame. Some claim they have no time to spend with God because they are simply to busy. We should NEVER be to busy for God, but if we feel we are, then we need to clear a space for him in our schedule immediately. If we fail to nurture our personal relationship with God then we can prepare ourselves, because we are headed for disaster. When our personal relationship with God is not what it should be, then we become weak in the flesh, and we will give in to temptation very easily. Before long we begin convincing ourselves that various sins are so small they don't really matter, and that they are somehow okay knowing full well as born again Christians that they're not. We are also fully aware that when we conscientiously sin  we are doing something we should not be doing. If for some unknown reason we're not aware of it, then the Holy Spirit within us will certainly let us know.

The above verse of scripture taken from Romans tells us that those who are out to please the desires of the flesh are focused on the desires of the flesh. If you are focused on the things of this world then you cannot be focused on God. As this verse of scripture also states, those that have the desire to live in obedience to God are focused on the things of the Spirit. We cannot be focused on both at the same time. We must choose between living in obedience to God, and living in disobedience to him. We can't straddle the fence, and call ourselves followers of Jesus Christ. We cannot live in disobedience to God, and then question why things are going wrong in our lives, at least not if we are being honest with ourselves. Jesus set a perfect example for us on how to live our lives in a righteous manner, and his instructions are well documented in God's word.
Numerous times I've heard people moan, groan, and complain about how things are going for them in their lives. Amid all the moaning, groaning, and complaining, however, it is rare to hear anyone step up and admit that they have walked away from God, and that having done so has led to havoc in their lives. Most don't mention their relationship with Christ, and behave as though they are clueless that there are consequences for every action.

If you are a long time follower of Christ, or a new believer that has known sin in your life, and you are aware that you need to deal with it, I urge you to do so immediately. If you are aware of sin in your life, but have somehow convinced yourself that it's small enough not to count, then I urge you to stop lying to yourself. We all sin that is certain because we are only human, but to sin and continue in sin knowingly is a path that leads to destruction. I encourage you to ask yourself these questions: What sin do I have in my life that I know I need to turn away from, and ask forgiveness for? Why am I holding onto to something that is interfering with my relationship with Christ? Why am I holding on to something that prevents God from blessing me? Why am I holding on to something that is preventing me from having the greatest life I could possibly have?

 If you want the many blessings God has waiting for you and to live the best life possible, then I urge you to live in obedience to God. Walking with God brings the greatest joy, peace, and comfort that you will ever know. It is up to us to choose whether we will follow our fleshly desires or those of  the Spirit, but when we are choosing we must remember that we absolutely cannot walk with God, and hold hands with the devil.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.


  1. Yes, we must be intentional everyday to take that time to spend it with Him in prayer and in the Word. If you need to set an alarm to remind you to do it, then do so! It will be a revival in your walk and life with Him being your guide!

    1. Amen ... To start your day spending time with God in prayer and in His Word makes a major difference in your walk throughout the entire day! Thank you so much for your comment, and for taking the time to read my blog.
