Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Sisters Serving the Lord

I Corinthians 12:4-7 (KJV) Says, "Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal."

In the above passage of scripture it is made clear that God gives each and every one of us gifts to be used in service to Him. Although these gifts vary from person to person, each and every one of them is important. Being born with free will, however,  it is up to us to opt to ask God to work through us utilizing our gifts and talents in service to Him. This blog offers a great example of how powerful and long lasting an impact opting to use your talents and gifts for the Lord can truly have. 

I want to share with you what God shared with me this morning through a group of gospel singing sisters,The Ballew Sisters, who opted to step out in faith and use the gifts and talent that God gave them to serve Him and bless others.  God blessed each and every one of them with a beautiful voice, and as if these gifts and talents weren't enough individually, when they come together their harmony reaches perfection. God is amazing, and the harmony they share is certainly proof of that. I grew up listening to them sing, and have been blessed by their music for years now. After Church on Sunday mornings my family had dinner at my grandmother's house. After dinner my grandmother, aunt, mom, sisters, and myself would listen to The Ballew Sisters and sing along as we cleaned the kitchen. These are memories I treasure and recall vividly. Their music blessed us then, and it blesses us now. 

My family and I are currently facing a mountain as we all do at times in this life, and during our storms encouragement and reminders of how great our God is are powerful. As we're facing this mountain, I get a package in the mail from One of the Ballew Sisters, Nancy, and it consists of several CD's containing songs recorded by her and her sisters. How blessed I felt to receive such a priceless gift. God's timing is perfect. Being anxious to begin listening to them, I decided to get in my truck, and go for a ride while I enjoyed them. The first CD that I began listening to was titled Mountain Climber. The first song on that CD was titled Mountain Climber, and the lead singer was Janet one of the sisters who has since the recording gone home to be with the Lord. I listened to the entire CD, and found myself listening to that particular song repeatedly; as it is so encouraging, strengthening, and relevant in my life at this time, and in the lives of my family. This song is a great reminder that we don't climb the mountains we face in our lives alone, but that God is right by our side to help us conquer them.

As I pulled back into the driveway the song, Mountain Climber, was coming to an end. I placed my truck in park, and sat there in the quiet for a moment feeling grateful for the encouragement I had just received through music. In the silence that followed, God showed me that this song and these sisters, Carolyn, Janet, Joy, Nancy, Patsy, and Suzy have made a powerful impact by choosing to use the talent and gifts He gave them. They've made a powerful impact, not just on the lives of me and my family members, but on the lives of many others. He further made clear to me that Janet and this song are proof that when you use your God given gifts, you continue to bless others even after God calls you home because the fruit of your faithful service to the Lord lives on. I'm grateful to Janet and her sisters for showing us what an encouraging and long lasting impact the gifts and talents God gives us can truly make.

I urge you to use the talents and gifts that God has given you to serve Him, and to love and encourage others. Don't waste all that the Lord has given you, when you could allow Him to work through you to make an important difference in the lives of others, and be a blessing to so many. Trust God and step out in faith knowing that He has equipped you, and He will be with you every step of the way. Like Janet, live your life in a manner that leaves a legacy so great it impacts and blesses others even after God has called you home. 

A special thank you with a heart full of gratitude to God for the blessing of these women and their music, to Janet who's faithful service lives on and continues to uplift and encourage, and to The Ballew Sisters for opting to use their God given talent and gifts to serve the Lord. May God continue to bless them as they continue to bless others.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you!


  1. Awesome! They do all have beautiful voices and bonus we are blessed to call them family. Amen!
