Sunday, July 19, 2020

Working All Things For Good

Romans 8:28 (KJV) Says, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose."

In the above verse of scripture it is made clear that God will work all things in our life for good, if we will but love Him. It is worthy to note that this verse of scripture says ALL things, not one, some, or a few, but ALL. This includes even the mistakes we have made in our past. Does God prefer that we live our lives in obedience to Him our entire lives? Absolutely. He is, however, gracious, forgiving, and loving, and because of the tremendous love He has for us He blesses us with this promise along with  many others.

One manner in which God works All things out for good for those who love Him is by putting people in our path that are going through some of the same things we struggled with, when we were not living in obedience to Him. This allows us to share our story with the person struggling, and to testify to them as to all that God has done for us in seeing us through to victory over the very same struggles. Never be ashamed to share your story with someone who is walking through things you yourself have walked through because in so doing you make yourself relatable to them.  Hearing your story and all that God has done for you will prayerfully lead them to have the desire to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior recognizing that with God they too can be victorious. Sharing  your story and all that God has done for you gives hope to the hopeless.

When we lose someone who is a huge part of our lives and that we love tremendously it is devastating. God can and does work this out for good as well in that we are then able to comfort others who are walking through the storm of losing a loved one, and we are able to do so on another level having a higher level of compassion, sympathy, and understanding. For example, I lost my Daddy a few years back and it was devastating. God has worked good in this loss by allowing me to relate to those who lose their Dad with a level of compassion, sympathy, and understanding that was not possible prior to my own personal loss. Having experienced the loss of my Daddy also allows me to share with others the things that helped me through my grief.

Above are just a couple of examples of the many ways in which God works ALL things together for good for those who love Him, and are called according to His purpose, there are many others. I urge you to share your story including all that God has done for you with those it will benefit recognizing that God is allowing you to bring encouragement and hope to those who find themselves in a storm that has left them feeling hopeless. I urge you to share the gospel and give your testimony taking advantage of every opportunity you are given to do so. Don't allow pride and shame to stand in the way of you sharing your testimony with someone else. Failing to testify to others can have devastating consequences in that it could make the difference in them finding hope in Christ and accepting His precious gift of salvation or remaining in a hopeless state. Withholding your testimony could make the difference in a person spending eternity in Heaven with God or remaining lost and spending eternity in Hell. It doesn't get more vital than that.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you!

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