Wednesday, March 14, 2012


People have been making excuses for as long as mankind has been in existence. In the book of Exodus, God calls Moses to lead His people Israel out of bondage in Egypt. In Exodus 3:11 (KJV) Moses says to God "Who am I, that I should go unto  Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt? " Here Moses is proclaiming that he is not worthy of, or capable of, handling the Lord's request. We have all heard people say "Who me?" "What?" "I can't do that," and here Moses is responding to the Lord in that manner. In Exodus 4:10 (KJV) Moses answers God with an excuse as to why he can't do what is being requested of him. He says "O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since Thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue."  Moses is making the excuse that he is not a good speaker, and therefore he can't carry out this task. He is saying everything he can to try and convince the Lord that He's got the wrong guy. The Lord responds to Moses in Exodus 4:11-16 (KJV) by asking him who made man's mouth? Who made the dumb, or deaf ? Who made the seeing, or the blind? He was letting Moses know that He created his mouth, and that He could certainly guide it.  God goes on to become angry with Moses in Exodus 4:14 (KJV) for making excuses as to why he could not do what was being ask of him, and failing to trust that God would guide him through it. Finally, God tells him that he knows his brother Aaron can speak well, and advises Moses to take him along, when he goes to Egypt. The Lord says to Moses I will instruct you as to what you should say, then you can pass it on to Aaron, and Aaron can then speak the words for you.

The tasks  people make excuses for vary in degree of size and difficulty. They can range from large tasks like the one set before Moses, to very small tasks like doing laundry, and there are excuses to cover the entire range. We can call to mind these excuses in a matter of seconds if needed, and all to often that is exactly what we do. Making excuses  limits the number of things we get accomplished in life, and that is not rewarding to God, other people, or ourselves.

There are many reasons why people make excuses not to do something. Some are afraid of failing at a task so they never attempt it. Some, like Moses, lack self confidence, and belief in their abilities, some imagine their goals are unobtainable so they make excuses not to try and reach them, and some people make excuses simply because they're lazy. Excuses cause people to remain at a standstill in their lives, and result in them failing to accomplish much of anything.

If you have tasks you've been putting off, or goals you have convinced yourself are unobtainable, revisit them with a new attitude. Make no excuses!  Anything constructive that you desire to accomplish God will assist you in accomplishing. Put your trust in Him, step out in faith,  and do it. If you've been lazy pray for motivation, if you have a goal you would like to accomplish pray that God will guide you and strengthen you along the path that leads to you reaching that goal.

 If you set out to accomplish a goal, or complete a task,  and it is something that God approves of for your life, if  you do your part, God will certainly do His. I encourage you to stop making excuses that minimize your accomplishments, and instead to begin trusting God, and believing in yourself.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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