Sunday, March 18, 2012

Great Things

Often times God calls a person to a task that we would never expect him to call, and through that person he does great things. In Judges 6:14-15 God calls Gideon to save Israel from the Midianites, and Gideon advises God that he is the least in his Father's house, and that he comes from poverty. Gideon questions how considering his background, he can be of service to God. Of course, God was fully aware of all the things that Gideon was telling him, and those are some of the very reasons he chose him to lead Israel in battle. In Judges 7:2 God tells Gideon that his army is too large in number, and that it must be reduced. God advises him that if he allows them all to go to battle, Israel will credit themselves with  achieving the victory, and fail to give him the glory. This  would not  prove to the people who heard of their great victory, that God did in fact exist, and that he was a mighty God.   In Judges 7:7 God is satisfied, when Gideon's army is reduced to 300 men, and he advises Gideon that by these men he will save him, and deliver  the Midianites into his hand. Gideon leads the 300 men into battle, and they are out numbered 450 to 1.The battle ensues, and God delivers the Midianites to Gideon as promised.

Choosing Gideon to lead the Isralites in battle against the Midianites, and only allowing him a 300 man army was God's plan all along. He knew that once the people witnessed a man like Gideon going to battle out numbered 450 to 1 and securing the victory, they'd have no doubt that this was the work of God. There was no other explanation as to how so few could have conquered so many. Therefore, by carrying out his plan, God made his existence, and his power known to many.

If  you have a call on your life to serve God in a capacity that you feel you are not capable of, or there is a service for the Lord that you would like to become active in, but aren't sure you meet the requirements,  don't doubt your abilities, answer the call, get involved. When God calls you to do something he will lead and guide you all the way.  Answer God's call with the knowledge that it doesn't matter what you are capable of, because it is not you that accomplishes the task at hand, but rather God working through you.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you leave me a message, and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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