Sunday, August 25, 2013


Genesis 1:27 (KJV) Says, "So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them." Roman 12:4-8 (KJV) Says, "For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members of one another. Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith; Or ministry, let us wait on our ministering: or he that teacheth, on teaching; Or he that exhorteth, on exhortation: he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity; he that ruleth, with diligence; he that showeth mercy, with cheerfulness.

The above verse of scripture taken from Genesis tells us that we are created by God in His own image. The above passage of scripture taken from Romans explains to us that as believers we are one body in Christ. We are each members of that body, and each of us have different gifts, according to the grace given us. In short, God created each of us, and gave each of us different gifts. When we come together as a Christian body, and utilize our individual gifts it is made clear that we each have something to add.

God has a plan for each of our lives, and He has given us the gifts necessary to carry out that plan. God created us in His own image, and He does not make mistakes. With that said, how is it that there are so many people in the world on board with generalizing, when it comes to what others should be doing with their lives? I could poll a thousand individuals asking if they were for or against bullying, and most, if not all, would say they're absolutely opposed to it.  Many of these same individuals are social bullies, brain washed into conforming to society's definition of  normal. They have an exact plan for each of us that must be carried out, if we desire to land within the boundaries of the social norm. If we ignore their rules, and take another route they have plenty to say about it. They have no problem picking, and shaming individuals for stepping outside the norm society has created. This is bullying, and the irony is they fail to realize it.

 For example, many people feel all boys should play football, and if they do not desire to do so then there is some sort of shame in that. Have these people ever stopped to consider that God doesn't give all boys the same gifts? It doesn't seem they have, or they wouldn't tease and pick at them for taking interest and participating in another sport or activity that doesn't consist of physical contact. I have also witnessed boys be teased relentlessly for crying by adults who apparently fail to remember that Jesus wept. Picking on and relentlessly teasing someone for crying is to teach them to suppress a God given emotion. These adults normally do this not because they are trying to help the child, but because boy's crying doesn't meet the social norm, and they being concerned with what society may think are attempting to avoid personal embarrassment.

I have also heard adults tease and ridicule young girls for their appearance, insinuating that in order to ever find a husband one must look a certain way, and conduct themselves in a certain manner. If one doesn't meet the standards in this area of what is socially acceptable they are doomed to be an "Old Maid." This type social bullying does nothing to encourage, and build-up young girls self-esteem. Growing up many young girls are taught that they must be married, and that if they are still single at a certain age there is cause for concern leading to a feeling of unworthiness.

These are just a couple examples of society failing to remind themselves that we are all special in God's eyes. He created each and every one of us in His own image, and He blessed each of us with different gifts. We are all His creation, and He loves each of us tremendously. Some of us are gifted in construction, some in encouragement, some in music, some are athletes, some in teaching, and the list goes on and on. The thing to remember is that we all have different gifts, that each of them are of equal importance, and that they were given to us by Almighty God. We are all individual beings created in God's own image, with specific gifts given to us by Him. When we follow the plan God has for our lives, and we utilize the gifts He gave us in order to carry out that plan, then who is society to critique that because they deem it outside the norm?

If you're a male florist who's following the plan God has for your life, then it doesn't matter what society says. If you are a woman who's  following the plan God has for your life, and you've yet to marry, or may never marry then it doesn't matter what society says. What matters is that we surrender our lives to God, utilize the gifts He has given us in accomplishing all He desires for us to accomplish, and that we follow the plan He has for our lives, as we allow Him to work through us, and to lead guide and direct our paths. If you are guilty of being a social bully, then I urge you to stop that behavior immediately, and remember God created us all as individuals, we are all His creation, He loves each of us tremendously, and He doesn't make mistakes.

People are the happiest, when they are walking with God, and operating in their God given gifts whether on a football field or in a florist, whether married or single, and God is happy with them. God doesn't frown on a person who weeps no matter their gender, He created each of us with the ability to do so. Most people I know that have been taught not to cry end up having anger issues. Are these issues caused from being taught to suppress their tears? Possibly so. Again, Jesus wept. The teasing and ridicule that comes from social bullies is not out of concern for what they think God might say about something. It comes from concern for how they think it makes them appear, and they base that on what society says. If you need to cry by all means cry. I also urge you to love, encourage, and respect the God given gifts of others no matter what they are. After all they are just that, God given.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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