Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Matthew 6:33 (KJV) Says, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things will be added unto you." I Peter 2:2 (KJV) Says, "As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the Word, that ye may grow thereby:" II Timothy 3:16 (KJV) Says, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:"

If we desire to have the best life we can possibly have, then it is imperative that we put God first in our lives. It is of tremendous importance that we set aside time to spend with God each and every day in order to have a close personal relationship with Him. The above verses of scripture are just a few of many that tell us that we need to seek God, and to spend time reading and studying his Word. The verse taken from Matthew tells us to seek God first and all of our needs will be given to us. The verse from I Peter tells us how important it is that we sincerely desire to read and study God's Word. It does so by comparing it to giving milk to a baby. If we withheld milk from a baby the results would be devastating. By using this analogy God has made the tremendous importance of spending time in his Word crystal clear. He makes it clear that just as a newborn will not grow without milk, we as Christians will not grow in our personal relationship with God without spending time in his Word. Reading the above verse taken from II Timothy should prompt everyone to make a point of spending time in God's Word. It plainly tells us that ALL scripture is God breathed, and it is where we find instructions on how to live our lives in a manner that is pleasing to Him. There is no possible way to follow the plan God has for our lives without setting aside time to read and study His instructions on how to do so.

There are so many excuses as to why people allow their Bibles to sit around the house collecting dust, that it would be impossible to list them all here. The truth is, if  God is number one in our lives, and we desire to have a close personal relationship with Him we will make time for Him. Our personal relationship with God and spending time with Him should be our number one priority.

If you are one of those people who truly believes you have no time in your day to read and study God's Word, then you need to look over your schedule. Make certain that in all of your planning you plan to spend time praying, reading and studying God's Word, and meditating on it. Weed out of your plans whatever is necessary in order to set aside time for Him. I know everyone can make time for God if they so desire, and each of us should, because there is absolutely nothing more important than Him.

I encourage you to make time for God each and every day, and there are no acceptable excuses for not doing so. If we got half as excited about planning to spend time with God as we do planning a vacation that would be great. If we can spend weeks selecting a vacation designation, choosing a hotel, planning an itinerary, shopping for must haves to place in our luggage, and packing said luggage then I know we can take a moment to go over our schedules and set aside some time for God each day. That should be a priority, after all, he is number one in our lives. Right?  If we can set aside time to watch television, play on our phones and computers, go out to dinner, go to the movies, go shopping, etc...then we can set aside time to spend with God.

The irony is that although when we spend time with God it is pleasing to Him, as He desires to have a close personal relationship with each of his children, the true benefactors from time spent with him are us. When we walk closely with God He meets all of our needs, He never leaves nor forsakes us, He gives us a divine peace, joy, comfort, protection, and so much more. We were born with freewill, however, and it is up to us to choose to spend time with Him, and to set aside the time to do so. It is up to us to decide to follow the plan He has for our lives, and accept all the precious gifts He has to offer. Where is your Bible? Do you open it only on Sundays? Do you even take it with you to Church? Does it sit closed in the same place day after day collecting dust? Have you had the same Bible for years, and yet it looks brand new? If so, I urge you to get your Bible out, and place it within reach of your favorite chair. Open it daily, and begin reading it. Pray for God to shine light on His Word, and to give you understanding as you read and study it, and you will be amazed. Begin reading anywhere you choose, if you're uncertain as to where to begin try Proverbs it's full of instruction. It doesn't matter where you begin reading, it only matters that you begin.

God has given us every blessing we have in our lives because He loves us so much. We can do all things through Him, and his power is limitless. He loves us right where we are, and desires a close relationship with us. He is there for us twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. He is the creator of all including our beautiful vacation destinations. He sent his only Son, being sinless, to die on the cross for our multitude of sins, so that we may have eternal life. Where is our excitement when it comes to God? Where is our excitement when it comes to the privilege of spending time with Him?

Put God first in your life, and keep Him there. Pray, read and study God's word, and meditate on it. Listen for God to lead, guide, and direct your path. Build a close personal relationship with Him, and follow the plan He has for your life. You will be amazed at all the great things God has in store for you.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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