Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Are You a Runner?

If you have chosen to ignore God's call on your life, and you are running in the opposite direction of that call, then I urge you to stop right where you are, turn around, and obey him. The story of Jonah, found in the Bible in the book by the same name, is an excellent example of what happens when we run from God. Jonah was called by God to go into the city of Nineveh, and share with the people there the message He gave him to share. Instead of going to Nineveh as God commissioned him to do, however, he runs in the opposite direction.

Jonah opts to board a ship headed for Tarshish, and while he's aboard this ship a raging storm occurs. It is determined that Jonah running from God's call on his life is the cause of this storm. The other men on board, at Jonah's suggestion, threw him into the sea to avoid further peril, and endangering their own lives. The moment he is thrown into the sea it is calmed, and the storm subsides. Jonah is then swallowed by a great fish that God had waiting on him, where he spends three days and three nights. The men become God fearing believers, and Jonah begins praying while in the belly of the fish. This great fish spits Jonah out, and answering God's call he goes to Nineveh to preach God's message to the people there. I feel certain Jonah wishes he had done what God asked him to do the first time, and that if he had it to do over again he would forego the running.

Let me share with you that I was not just a runner, but a long distance runner. I knew early on that I had a call on my life to spread God's word, but I failed to heed that call for a number of years.  I suffered a great deal of inner turmoil because I made the decision to run, and I made many mistakes along the way. I wasted a lot of time that could have been spent serving God, and I regret that to this day. God watched over me, and protected me throughout my rebellion, and I am extremely grateful to him for doing so.

When I decided to answer God's call on my life, my inner turmoil ceased, and I felt a calm come over me, just as it did the sea during the great storm in the book of Jonah.  I gained a peace and contentment like none I've ever known. If you are fleeing from God's call on your life or you're under conviction and desiring God's precious gift of salvation but are hesitating, I encourage you to stop hesitating, and to stop running.You will be so much happier living out God's plan for your life than you are  avoiding it. I know that for certain, because I am a witness, firsthand.

If you have the desire to invite God into your heart, and accept His precious gift of salvation, but
 you have been hesitating don't wait another minute. We are not promised tomorrow. Get right with God, and do it today. Go to him in prayer, ask him to forgive you of all of your sins, tell Him you believe that Jesus was born, that He died on the cross for your sins, and that He rose again. Ask Him to come into your heart, and be your Lord and Savior. Making this decision is choosing to make the greatest, and most important decision you will ever make in your life.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Encourage One Another

We all need encouragement from one another on occasion, but unfortunately it doesn't come along very often. God is well aware that as fleshly human beings living in a world of devastation we need encouragement. In Luke 24:49 (KJV) Jesus encourages the disciples just prior to his ascension. He speaks to them saying, "And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high."Here he promises them that He is not leaving them without help, and encourages them with the promise that they will be endued with power from on high to guide them along their way. In Deuteronomy 1:38 (KJV) Moses instructs the people to encourage Joshua advising them he will be the one to lead Israel to inherit the promised land. In 2 Samuel 11:25 (KJV) David tells a messenger to encourage Joab before he goes to battle.

There are many passages of scripture that contain examples of encouragement being given to individuals, and groups of people as a whole. People have needed encouragement since the creation of mankind.

How many times have you thought that someone did a great job, their hair looked nice, they looked sad, they appeared depressed, they seemed out of sorts, or troubled by something, and you failed to encourage them? Even people who seem to have it all together, and appear happy on a regular basis need encouragement. When you pay someone a personal compliment it encourages them, and builds their self-esteem. When you notice that someone is troubled, and you take the time to listen to them and encourage them you show them that they matter, and that people love and care for their well-being.

Spreading a little encouragement to one another is not a daunting task. In fact, I believe that as you begin to engage in the act of encouraging others, the response you get will bring you joy. Begin at home encouraging your family, encourage your friends, then branch out and encourage people in your everyday life. I promise you that you'll have no problem finding someone who can benefit from your encouragement. All you have to do is look around you, and when you see another human being you have located a candidate.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message, and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


In Matthew Chapter 6:19-21 Jesus says "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

There is nothing wrong with having the desire for earthly things, and there is nothing wrong with owning them. God wants us to enjoy our lives. The problem is many people spend their time focused solely on the treasures of this world. We cannot allow houses, cars, money, jewelry, boats, or any other material possesions to be the only treasures we lay up for ourselves, as we journey through our lives. Job 1:21 points out that we came into the world naked, and that we will go out of it the same way. We brought nothing with us when we were born into this world, and it is certain that we will take nothing with us when the Lord calls us home.

As the above scripture in Matthew tells us, it is important that we lay up our treasures in heaven, where they will be safe from earthly erosion of any form, and where they cannot be stolen. The treasures we lay up in heaven will be there waiting on us, and will be ours eternally. The scripture further points out that if we have our heart dedicated to and focused on worldly possessions, then our heart is not where it should be. Our heart should be in Christ, and the works we do for him.

The Bible is full of instructions on how we are to live our lives. It instructs us on how we are to behave toward one another showing love, kindness, understanding, and forgiveness. It tells us that we are to help one another in times of need, encourage one another, and engage in all other acts of compassion that coincide with being Christian. We are to do works that glorify our Lord, and Savior. When we do these things we are pleasing God, and we are laying up treasures for ourselves in heaven.

Take a moment to think about where you are laying up treasure. If you decide the bulk of it is here on earth, then I encourage to make a change because earthly treasures fade away.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message, and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


I Samuel 2:7 tells us that the Lord makes poor and makes rich, and that he brings low and lifts up.

Many times people use the word luck, when sharing the news of some good fortune that has come their way. Although the word luck sounds innocent enough, to be honest it is one of my least favorite, and I never use it. As Christians I don't feel any of us should, even though I realize that those who do aren't really giving it any thought.

When great things happen in our lives, like healings, miracles, getting a job that we applied for, getting a promotion at work, getting the house we wanted, or receiving some unexpected financial gain it isn't luck. It is a blessing from God, and when we fail to give him the credit and the glory for our blessings it is such a dishonor.

It is so common for people to turn to God in times of trouble, and pray regularly begging him for help with whatever issues they are facing. Then as he begins to answer their prayers, and pour blessings upon them they lose sight of where those blessings came from, and begin using terms like I got lucky. Luck really? Before long vainity creeps in, and they give themselves all  the credit, and the glory for the good fortune that has come their way and God is no where in the equation. It is important that we remain mindful that God is all powerful, with him all things are possible, and that he is the one who deserves all the credit and glory for the blessings in our lives.

As the above verse tells us God brings low, and lifts up. When you receive blessings from God thank him for them, and give him all the credit, and the glory for lifting you up. If you start to credit luck, or your own good works, remember that you can quickly be brought low. To God be all the glory.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, simply leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I have had many people tell me that they don't know how to pray. Some say they are not good with words, and others have told me they don't know what to say.  In Matthew Chapter 6:5-13 (KJV) Jesus tells us how to pray.

He tells us in these verses not to be like the hypocrites who love to pray standing in places where they can be seen and heard by other people. He also tells us not to use vain repetitions as they do thinking they will be heard for their many words. Jesus says that these hypocrites have their reward. Their reward is any praise or adoration they get from the people they are praying in front of for that very purpose. Now understand, Jesus is not talking about times when it is appropriate for one person to lead a group or congregation in prayer. He is talking about people who pray in public, in a grand way solely to gain the attention, and the admiration of others.

In verse 6 Jesus tells us to pray in private to our Father, and that when we do we will be rewarded openly. He tells us in verse 8 that our Father knows what we need before we ask him, and in verses 9-13 that we should pray after this manner:

"Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come.Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen." (KJV)

You can pray the above prayer, and God will hear you, and he knows what your needs are and what is on your heart before you pray. You can also go to God in prayer, and say whatever you want to say to him. Talk to God in your normal manner of speech. There is no need to ever think that you can't pray because you are not good with words, or you don't know what to say. God does not critique prayers based on grammar nor does  He hear only the prayers of eloquent speakers.

Go to God in prayer  whenever it is on your heart to do so. Day or night your Heavenly Father is there for you. He is always happy to hear from one of his children, and you can be certain He is listening. By the way, you can tell Him everything, He loves you unconditionally, He wants what is best for you, and He can be trusted one hundred percent! How beautiful is that?

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, feel free to leave me a message, and I will be happy to do so. May God bless you!

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Valentine's day is fast approaching, and for some it brings a certain sadness along with it. Unfortunately, that's the case for many who find themselves single, when this day designated to celebrate love rolls around. In John 15:9-11 Jesus says "As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you:  continue ye in my love. If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love. These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full."

If you are single, and dreading Valentine's day, then I want you to consider the tremendous amount of love God has for you. The magnitude and power of his love is greater than any other. In the above scripture Jesus tells us not only how very much he loves us, but that he wants us to have joy filled lives. After considering the love God has for you, think of all the family members, and friends that love you. Love comes from more than one place in your life, and it is all around you.

Maybe you haven't met anyone yet, were in a relationship and the other person ended it leaving you with a broken heart, or you had a marriage that didn't work out, maybe you are widowed . Whatever your situation, God wants you to be happy, and he knows the desires of your heart. He knows what is best for you, and he will provide it. If you want to meet someone, fall in love, and live out your days with them,  God knows it. Wait patiently on him, and when you least expect it, he will send a special someone into your life. You may opt to remain single. If that's the case, and you feel it will make you happy, there is nothing wrong with that. If you are in a personal relationship, and are happy, fantastic. It is wonderful to have that in your life, but don't let it dictate whether or not you are going to be happy.

 Remember that love comes from many different relationships. Don't allow this up and coming celebration of love to get you down.  Celebrate the love of God, your family, and your friends. Spend the day doing something special for someone you love.  Spend the day pampering yourself. However you choose to spend it, remember God loves you always, and have a joy filled Valentine's day!

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message, and I will be happy to do so. May God bless you!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Love your Enemies

In Matthew 5:44-48 (KJV) Jesus says to love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and to pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that you may be the children of your Father which is in heaven. He asks if you love them which love you, what reward have you? Don't the publicans do the same? He goes on to ask  If you salute your brethren only, what do you more than others? Don't even the publicans do that? Jesus says be you therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect.The Bible tells us in Proverbs 25:21 (KJV) that we are to give our enemies food if they are hungry, and drink if they are thirsty.

It is easy to love and treat people kindly that love, and treat us in the same manner. It is also easy for us to do a favor for someone who would do anything for us. Jesus tells us in the above verses that anyone can do that. Christians, are not just anyone, however, we have Christ in us, and are therefore  expected to live our lives in a manner which reflects that. God knows it is difficult for us to love, pray for, and do good things for people who have offended us. It is however, what we are instructed to do, because doing so is Godly behavior, and the Bible tells us that we will be rewarded for it.

If you have people in your life that have offended you, pray for them. Pray for them with sincerity, and remember God knows your heart.  Rise above the type behavior they have shown, and in so doing they will witness God's light shining through you. Jesus, when He was sent from Heaven, set an example for us to follow. Strive, therefore, to live your life in a manner that sets a good Christian example for others, and that allows them to see Christ in you.

If you have a prayer request, leave me a message, and I will be happy to pray for you. May God bless you!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Alone in a Crowd

Have you ever gone through a personal trial and felt as though you were all alone? I am talking about  the type of loneliness that exists even in a crowd of people. I know I have. This feeling can be brought on by many things, and can be consuming, if you allow it to be.The good news is that there's an alternative, and it's one I highly recommend. Remember when you have accepted Jesus Christ into your heart,  it is impossible for you to ever be alone. If you are ever feeling lonely, and all of the other negative thoughts and emotions that come with it have begun their attack, remind yourself immediately that God is always with you. Remember he loves you, and that his plans for you are good. Put your faith and trust in him, and forge ahead. He is with you and he will see you through whatever trials you face.

 Deuteronomy 31:6 says "Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee, he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee." Isaiah 41:13 says "For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, fear not; I will help thee." This scripture tells us  not only that God is with us, that he will not forsake us, and not to be afraid, but that he will hold our hand

We learn early on in life that people will disappoint us, hurt our feelings, abandon us, and break our hearts. It happens to each of us at one time or another, and it is a painful experience. God, however, will never disappoint you, his love for you is eternal, and he never changes. You can count on him always, every minute of every single day.
 The next time you feel lonely, unwanted, rejected, or unloved, stop and remind yourself  that  God is with you,. Tell yourself that he loves you always, he will never forsake you, and he will never fail you. Walk through your storms with strength, knowing that God is right there holding your hand.

If you have request, and would like for me to pray for you, leave me a message, and I will be happy to do so. May God bless you!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


John 8:32 (KJV) Says "ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."

If you have ever told a lie and then later confessed the truth, you know how freeing that confession feels. When you tell a lie, there is a heaviness of spirit, and of conscience that comes along with it. We should always tell the truth. First and foremost it is pleasing to God, and it's the right thing to do. Secondly, the truth never changes, and so you can't get caught up in it, and make a mistake that ends in you looking like a person of bad character. When you tell one lie, it can easily snowball because more lies become necessary in order to protect the validity of the first lie. It is a vicious, and unnecessary cycle. All of this potential chaos can be avoided by merely telling the truth from the begining.

Often times I've heard people discuss the importance of telling the truth, but I've never heard anyone discuss the fact that  we should receive it well also. I've seen instances where a family member or friend approaches someone to tell them a truth that they need to hear, and upon being told that truth they become angry, defensive, and indignant toward the one confronting them? These emotions come from knowing that we are wrong. If they are talking to you about something you know you should have corrrected already, then don't get angry with them. Instead, realize you should have handled whatever the situation is before they had to come to you. If you know there is an area in your life that needs work, get motivated, and work on it. Don't put your friends, and family members  in the uncomfortable position of having to say something to you, and then become indignant with them for doing so. It should never come to that, and your becoming angry and defensive, if you know they are telling you the truth is just one more wrong on your part. 

Your word is very important to the foundation of your character. Your word is your honor, and it can bring you a great deal of respect or it can be the ruin of your character.  Be a person who speaks and lives the truth. Have the maturity to face the truth with grace when someone confronts you with it, and be grateful that you have people in your life that love you enough to tell you the truth.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, just leave me a message, and I will be happy to do so. May God bless you!