Sunday, February 19, 2012


I Samuel 2:7 tells us that the Lord makes poor and makes rich, and that he brings low and lifts up.

Many times people use the word luck, when sharing the news of some good fortune that has come their way. Although the word luck sounds innocent enough, to be honest it is one of my least favorite, and I never use it. As Christians I don't feel any of us should, even though I realize that those who do aren't really giving it any thought.

When great things happen in our lives, like healings, miracles, getting a job that we applied for, getting a promotion at work, getting the house we wanted, or receiving some unexpected financial gain it isn't luck. It is a blessing from God, and when we fail to give him the credit and the glory for our blessings it is such a dishonor.

It is so common for people to turn to God in times of trouble, and pray regularly begging him for help with whatever issues they are facing. Then as he begins to answer their prayers, and pour blessings upon them they lose sight of where those blessings came from, and begin using terms like I got lucky. Luck really? Before long vainity creeps in, and they give themselves all  the credit, and the glory for the good fortune that has come their way and God is no where in the equation. It is important that we remain mindful that God is all powerful, with him all things are possible, and that he is the one who deserves all the credit and glory for the blessings in our lives.

As the above verse tells us God brings low, and lifts up. When you receive blessings from God thank him for them, and give him all the credit, and the glory for lifting you up. If you start to credit luck, or your own good works, remember that you can quickly be brought low. To God be all the glory.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, simply leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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