Thursday, February 2, 2012


John 8:32 (KJV) Says "ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."

If you have ever told a lie and then later confessed the truth, you know how freeing that confession feels. When you tell a lie, there is a heaviness of spirit, and of conscience that comes along with it. We should always tell the truth. First and foremost it is pleasing to God, and it's the right thing to do. Secondly, the truth never changes, and so you can't get caught up in it, and make a mistake that ends in you looking like a person of bad character. When you tell one lie, it can easily snowball because more lies become necessary in order to protect the validity of the first lie. It is a vicious, and unnecessary cycle. All of this potential chaos can be avoided by merely telling the truth from the begining.

Often times I've heard people discuss the importance of telling the truth, but I've never heard anyone discuss the fact that  we should receive it well also. I've seen instances where a family member or friend approaches someone to tell them a truth that they need to hear, and upon being told that truth they become angry, defensive, and indignant toward the one confronting them? These emotions come from knowing that we are wrong. If they are talking to you about something you know you should have corrrected already, then don't get angry with them. Instead, realize you should have handled whatever the situation is before they had to come to you. If you know there is an area in your life that needs work, get motivated, and work on it. Don't put your friends, and family members  in the uncomfortable position of having to say something to you, and then become indignant with them for doing so. It should never come to that, and your becoming angry and defensive, if you know they are telling you the truth is just one more wrong on your part. 

Your word is very important to the foundation of your character. Your word is your honor, and it can bring you a great deal of respect or it can be the ruin of your character.  Be a person who speaks and lives the truth. Have the maturity to face the truth with grace when someone confronts you with it, and be grateful that you have people in your life that love you enough to tell you the truth.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, just leave me a message, and I will be happy to do so. May God bless you!

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