Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Company You Keep

Proverbs 13:20 (KJV) says "He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools will be destroyed." This scripture is warning us to be careful who we associate with. The company we keep is very important for so many reasons.

I think most of us are warned about the type people we choose to surround ourselves with from the time we are old enough to understand our parents instructions. We are also born with an instinct that I believe God blesses us with in order to detect when something is unsafe, and when we meet someone who is walking down a path we should not venture down.

We cannot surround ourselves with people who choose to engage in partying, gossiping, making fun of people, judging others, telling dirty jokes, or cursing, just to name a few, and expect it not to have any bearing on our lives. It is one thing to witness to someone who is involved in this type behavior, and quite another to participate in the activity or stand idly by as if their behavior is something we agree with. We are only human, and are therefore, susceptible to temptation, and should not place ourselves in situations that perpetuate the possibility of us giving in to something that we are personally tempted by, knowing our Heavenly Father would not approve of it. For example,  if we are surrounded by cursing constantly before long we may be cursing. If we are surrounded by those who love to make people laugh at another persons expense, we are erring by simply standing there and listening, in lieu of saying something or at least walking away. If we stand and listen to someone telling dirty jokes, and we don't politely say something or walk away we are silently condoning it, and are therefore participating in things we should not participate in as Christians. In those type situations, when we react in silence, what type witness are we being? Don't get caught up with others in their wrong doing, and find yourself guilty by association.  We are not putting forth our best effort to live a Godly life, if we are surrounding ourselves with, and partaking in things that are ungodly.

First and foremost, when we live our lives in a righteous manner it pleases God. Secondly, when we do so, we can expect God to bless us. If we are not walking with God, and we are doing things that we know are not pleasing to Him, do we really think we deserve for God to reign blessings down on us? Or do we have the right to complain about what God is not doing for us that we feel He should be? We should desire to live our lives in a manner that makes us feel good about who we are as individuals as well. Does it really make anyone feel better to curse? Does it make anyone look good to make fun of another person for whatever reason? To put it in perspective,  when you are making fun of, bullying or mistreating another individual in any way, you are doing so to one of God's children, and this is ill advised because God loves his children.

Live your life in a manner that is pleasing to God, in a manner that sets a good Christian example for others, and one that you yourself can feel good about. Our actions play a huge roll in our level of peace within ourselves, if we have a conscience. I know when I offend someone or do something that I regret I have an unrest that interferes with my eating, sleeping, concentration, and my ability to relax. I get no relief until I have apologized to the person I offended, and have ask forgiveness from God for my behavior, and wrong doing.

None of us are perfect, and we should love all mankind with brotherly love, but we are not to climb aboard a sinking ship with individuals who have no desire to stay a float, and go down with them. We should witness to them, and set examples for them, but we are not to put ourselves in a position to hinder our own walk with God. It is important that we fellowship with other Christians also as it enables us to be uplifting to one another, and encourage one another in Christ. The world is full of temptation, and those who will attempt to sway you in your beliefs. I encourage you to continue in brotherly love toward all mankind, continue to be a witness to others, and  remember to be mindful of the company you keep.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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