Sunday, May 13, 2012

Honor Thy Mother

Exodus 20:12 (KJV) Says, "Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee."  This is one of the ten commandments.

 I want to take the opportunity to point out the importance of honoring our Mother's. As you can see from the above scripture,  it is important enough for God to have made it a commandment. If we have been blessed with a Mother that has loved and nurtured us into adulthood, we should desire to honor them, and it should come from our hearts. I don't think we take the time to consider all they have done for us in our lifetime, and to tell them how grateful we are and how much they are appreciated.

Our Mothers carry us for nine months, during which time they experience nausea and vomiting, swelling, discomfort, lack of sleep, and many other issues. It is also necessary that they go to the doctor multiple times, and we all know what fun that is.  Next they give birth to us, and although I have not experienced childbirth personally I have witnessed it, and it does not in any way resemble a picnic. They go through all of this just to get us here.

After we arrive into the world, sleep as our Mother's knew it is over. If we are not waking them up crying because we are hungry, then they are sleeping lightly in order to listen for any move we may make. They diaper us, feed us, bath us, dress us, and take us to the doctor for our check-ups. They are there for us day and night nursing us when we are sick, monitoring our fevers, giving us medication, holding us, singing us to sleep, telling us bedtime stories, and helping us say our prayers as they tuck us into bed at night, all the while having no regard whatsoever for their own well-being.

They cry as we enter the doors of school for the first time, and they are eagerly waiting to hear how our day went each afternoon. They listen to ever detail as we speak, because as loving Mother's they truly want to hear every word we have to say. They share comforting words when our feelings are hurt, and  bandage the boo-boo's we sustain.

Whatever sport or other activities we choose to engage in our Mother's give us a tremendous amount of support. They attend each event where they smile, applaud, and tell us how very proud they are, and what a great job we did. Our Mother's are our number one fan.

They wait up on us at night when we become  teenagers, because they can't sleep until they know we're  at home safe and sound. They're emotional when we graduate high school and college, as they realize their baby is growing up. It breaks their heart when we move out, yet they understand we are now young adults with life plans of  our own. They are filled with mixed emotions on our wedding day because in their eyes we will always be their baby. They expand their love to include our spouse, and they love and treasure the grandchildren they're blessed with.

I would like to encourage you to take the time to HONESTLY consider all your Mother has done, and does do for you. God blessed me with a wonderful Mother, and I am so very grateful for her. I am an identical twin, and I have three other siblings so my Mother raised five children in all. She worked so hard, only stopping for a little sleep. She took us to Sunday School, Church, and Vacation Bible School, where we each grew to love the Lord.  She made certain we had clean clothes, homemade dinners complete with homemade dessert, a clean house to live in, she was our number one fan present at every event we participated in, and the list goes on and on. She has made certain we know that she is there for us always, that she will stand up for us when we are right, and correct us when we are wrong. She recognized our different personalities, and our different needs, and she met them all on an individual basis with tremendous love and understanding.

I merely scratched the surface when it comes to listing all of the things our Mother's do for us. Words cannot possibly convey how much I love my Mother, and how much I respect and appreciate her. I am so grateful to have been blessed with such a  beautiful gift. I am not surprised that God chose to make honoring our Mother's a commandment. It is crystal clear to me that they are more than deserving of our honor and respect.

God bless my Mother, all of the wonderful Mother's in my family, among my friends, and in the world. I personally have a tremendous amount of  honor and respect for each one of you.

For those of you whose Mother's have gone home to be with the Lord, may you reflect on and find comfort in the cherished memories that remain in your hearts. I have since writing this blog lost my Mama, and therefore I know the pain. She went home to be with the Lord on January 10, 2022. I love and miss her more than words could ever possibly convey. 

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.


  1. Thank you so much for this. My mom was my number one. I miss her so much.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I'm sorry it took so long for me to answer. I lost my Mom on Jan. 10th of this year and it has been extremely difficult. God bless you!
