Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I Timothy 1:1-2 (KJV) Says "Rebuke not an elder, but entreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren; the elder women as mothers; the younger as sisters, with all purity."

 There are many verses in the Bible that instruct us to respect our elders, and one another. When we show disrespect toward another person, we  are doing so to someones Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, Son, Daughter, Grandmother, or Grandfather. We should consider that the next time we are tempted to be disrespectful.  We want our family members and friends treated with kindness and respect, and we want to be respected as well. Therefore, we should be mindful of how we treat people.

I grew up in an era where tremendous importance was placed upon respecting one's elders, and failing to do so resulted in disciplinary action by one's parents. In today's world, however, if respect were a wild animal, it would be placed on the endangered species list. In the public arena I've seen children disrespect their parents, and grandparents while they sit quietly stunned, never attempting to correct the child. I've witnessed adults disrespecting there elders, and scoffing at any piece of advice they attempt to give them. They fail to consider that someone who has lived longer than they have may be able to offer advice gained from experience, which could prevent them from making  a huge mistake.

 I've seen parents disrespecting their children by speaking to them in a manner that is horrendous, and then  expect the child to have respect for them. Children are human beings, and therefore, they have feelings just as adults do. I've seen young adults disrespect their own parents in front of their children, and then insist that their children respect them. If you honestly believe that the old adage "do as I say and not as I do" is effective, I believe you are sadly mistaken, and are kidding yourself for convenience. When you behave in a manner that sets a bad example for your children, how do you think that appears to them? To instruct them to do one thing, and show them another via your own behavior is hypocrisy. Where do we think they get the idea it is acceptable to behave in a disrespectful manner? We should set examples for the children in our lives to follow, and if we are not doing that we need to correct our own behavior before we attempt to correct our children.

It is not uncommon to hear cursing or distasteful jokes come out of people's mouths no matter who is in their midst, and their words seem to flow as easy as if they were saying  good morning. It is not uncommon to see someone race past an elder to enter a store, and then allow the door to close directly in the elders face in lieu of holding it open for them. I've seen people speed past an elder attempting to make it across a parking lot nearly striking them with their vehicle instead of stopping, and allowing them to cross. The displays of disrespect I have witnessed in the public are far to numerous to mention here. The important point is that disrespect is running rampant, and it is disheartening.

Respect your elders, hold a door open for them, allow them to cross the parking lot at the pace in which they are able, and be patient about it. If you are blessed with long life, one day you will be an elder, and hopefully others will wait patiently while you cross the parking lot.  Respect your children, and teach them to be respectful by example. Respect your friends, co-workers, and peers. When we fail to be respectful, it makes one individual appear to be of bad character, and that individual is the person showing the disrespect. If we want to be respected, we must conduct ourselves in a manner that warrants it; by behaving in a respectful manner ourselves. Respect is earned.

There is no doubt that the world could use more respect, love, and kindness. I would like to encourage you to be  polite and respectful to others, it's painless, it is of good character, and it is pleasing to our Father in Heaven.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.


  1. It definitely would be a better World, if this was practiced by all! Great message!

  2. Amen..Thank you so much for the kind words, and for taking the time to read my blog!
