Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Unwavering Faith

Luke 8:43-48 (KJV) Tells of a woman who had been dealing with an issue of blood for twelve years. She had seen multiple physicians, and none of them were able to heal her. One day as Jesus is walking by, the woman comes up behind Him, reaches out, and touches the hem of His garment. Her issue of blood stops, and the woman is healed instantly. Jesus recognizing that virtue had gone out of Him asks who touched Him. There were many people around, but the woman knew Jesus was aware that it was her. Trembling, she falls down before Him, confesses to doing it, tells Him why she did it, and that she was healed the moment she touched Him. Jesus tells her to be of good comfort, to go in peace, and that her faith had made her whole.

Matthew 8:5-13 (KJV) Tells of a Centurion who comes to Jesus asking Him to heal his servant who is at home, and is extremely ill. Jesus tells the Centurion that He will come to his home, and heal his servant.. The Centurion then tells Jesus that he knows what it's like to be busy, and that it is not necessary for Him to come to his home. He tells Jesus that if He will just speak the word from right where He is, his servant will be healed. Jesus is amazed that the Centurion doesn't deem it necessary for Him to follow him back to his home to heal his servant, and He turns to the people following Him saying that He has not found so great a faith in all of Israel. Jesus then tells the Centurion to go his way, and that as he believed it would be done for him.

The above scripture provides two excellent examples of unwavering faith, and the rewards of possessing it. The woman with the issue of blood firmly believed that if she could only touch Jesus she would be healed. Jesus knew her heart, and knew she never doubted that He was capable of curing her. For this reason He tells her that her faith has made her whole. Notice that she did not reach out to touch Jesus with doubt, or with a what could it hurt attitude, but instead with unwavering faith.

The Centurion had no doubt that Jesus could heal his servant by merely speaking. He knew it was not necessary for Jesus to follow him home to where his servant was in order to make him well. Jesus was amazed at the strong faith of the Centurion, and he demonstrates that by telling His followers that He has not seen so great a faith in all of Israel. Jesus tells the Centurion to go his way, and that as he believed it would be done for him. His servant was healed.

The woman and the Centurion in the above scripture demonstrated the kind of  strong, unwavering faith we should all possess as Christians, and their stories are excellent examples of Jesus rewarding them for it. The woman had faith so strong she knew she would be healed if she could merely touch the hem of Jesus' garment. The Centurion knew that his servant would be healed if Jesus would just speak the word.  When we go to God in prayer, we should never have doubt in our hearts and minds  as to whether or not He can help us with any problem we have.  As Christians we should have a firm determination in our spirit, stand steadfast in our faith, and remain unshakable knowing that God is all powerful, and that He is capable of anything.

We may not always get our prayers answered in the way we desire for them to be answered, but we must remember that God knows what is best for us, He wants what is best for us, He loves us, and His will prevails. Don't allow Satan to put doubt in your heart and mind, and if he attempts to do so, remember he's a liar who would love nothing better than for you to believe his lies.

If you find your faith is wavering, I would like to encourage you to pray, read and study God's word, fellowship with other Christians, and  strengthen it to the degree that like the woman and the Centurion in the above scripture it is absolutely unshakable.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Watch Your Step

Proverbs 16:18-19 (KJV) Says "Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Better it is to be of a humble spirit, with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud." The Lord says In Ezekiel 16:48-50 (KJV) "As I live, saith the Lord God, Sodom thy sister hath not done, she nor her daughters, as thou hast done, thou and thy daughters. Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fullness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty, and committed abomination before Me: therefore I took them away as I saw good."

The above verses of scripture taken from the book of Proverbs plainly tells us that, when we become proud and arrogant we can prepare ourselves for a fall. As you see in the verses of scripture taken from the book of Ezekiel pride and arrogance can bring on destruction.

The people of Sodom were living abundant lives, and they allowed themselves to become proud and arrogant. They had all the food they could want along with anything else they may desire or need. They were blessed abundantly. They became so full of themselves, that they failed to give God the glory, thanks, and credit for all He had done for them. They became lazy, and they did nothing to help the poor and needy. They failed to remember that it is God who builds up and tears down. They failed to remember that their abundance came from Him, and that they themselves were not responsible for the blessings that had been poured out upon them. They were headed for destruction, and they reached their destination.

It is God who is responsible, and deserves all the glory for the blessings we receive in our lives. It is all to common for people who are happy, and having all their needs met to forget about God, and omit Him from the equation. That my friends is a huge mistake. We should count our blessings, and thank God for them daily. When everything in our lives is running smoothly, and things are going great, we need to remember to praise God, thank Him, and give Him all the glory. Many people wait until they are in a desperate situation to remember God, and call on His name. How would it make you feel if you had a friend you had done a great deal for, and that friend failed to acknowledge you or call you unless they were in desperate need of a major favor? We must remember to praise and thank God at all times.

When things are going great in your life and you have all you need and more, do you thank God and give Him the glory for the blessings he has bestowed upon you? Or do you become proud, and arrogant? Do you become lazy? Are you guilty of scoffing at, or ignoring the poor and needy thinking that you are above them? Do you fail to remember Proverbs 22:2 (KJV) which says "The rich and poor meet together: the Lord is the maker of them all." This verse is meant to remind us that we are all equal in God's eyes.  Do you fail to remind yourself that it is God who builds up, and tears down?

I would like to encourage you today to watch your step. Consider your attitude and behavior during the abundant times in your life. Evaluate yourself honestly, and make any changes you feel led to make. Most importantly, remember God in your times of abundance. Thank, praise, and give Him all the glory for the blessings He has bestowed upon you. As the above scripture tells us, what God has built up He can bring down in an instant.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Answer God's Call

In Jeremiah 1:4-9 (KJV) The word of the Lord comes to Jeremiah, and tells him he is called to be a prophet. The Lord advises him that before he was born he sanctified him, and ordained him a prophet unto the nations. Jeremiah is shy, and hesistant. He tells the Lord that he can't be a prophet because he is still a child, and he cannot speak. The Lord responds by telling Jeremiah not to say that he is just a child, and that he will go where He sends him, and say whatever He commands him to say. The Lord tells him not to be afraid, and that He will be with him. The Lord then touches Jeremiah's mouth with His hand, and advises him that He has put his words in his mouth.

Do you know what the Lord has called you to do? Have you went to Him in prayer requesting that He show you what it is He desires to accomplish by working through you? What He has appointed you to do? The Holy Spirit will lead,  guide, and direct you in whatever you are called to do. When you are aware of what your calling is, don't waste precious time, and energy getting yourself all worked up and doubting your ability to answer that call. The Lord will be with you just as He  promised Jeremiah that he would be with him. Go to God in pray asking for confidence and assistance, and he will bless you with it. There is no need to be afraid. The Lord says in Jeremiah 1:18 (KJV) "For, behold, I have made thee this day a defensed city, and an iron pillar, and brazen walls against the kings of Judah, against the princes thereof, and againist the people of the land." In this verse of scripture the Lord is assuring Jeremiah that He has given him strength, and by the Lord's choice of the words defensed city, iron pillar, and brazen walls; I would say He blessed him with a great deal of it. The Lord will do the same for you, when you set out to answer the call He has placed on your life.

The Lord doesn't promise Jeremiah that everyone will receive him, and treat him kindly when he goes out to prophecy. In fact, in  Jeremiah 1:19 (KJV) he says, "And they shall fight against thee, but they shall not prevail against thee; for I am with thee, saith the Lord, to deliver thee." In this verse of scripture the Lord advises Jeremiah that people will come against him, but He advises him that He will be with him, and that those who come against him will not prevail. The Lord assures Jeremiah in every way possible that he has no need to be afraid. If you are certain of the call God has on your life, and you are afraid to answer it, don't be. The promises He made to Jeremiah hold true for all those who answer the call God has on their life.

I would like to encourage you to take the time to discover and confirm exactly what it is the Lord has called you to do, and to step out in faith so that He can accomplish all he desires to accomplish by working through you. Many people report to jobs everyday that they detest, and they spend hours upon hours on these jobs feeling miserable and unhappy. If you answer the call God has on your life, you will discover happiness, divine peace, and contentment. You will end up right where you are suppose to be doing exactly what you are suppose to be doing, and there is great joy and divine peace found in that.

Don't let other people discourage you or make you doubt yourself, listen to the Holy Spirit within  you and answer the call the Lord has placed on your life. Don't be afraid. Remember, no one is any better than you are, and you are no better than anyone else. We are all equal in  God's eyes. Be confident. You are a child of  God, you are set apart, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Spirit. Never doubt what God is capable of accomplishing through you. His power is unlimited, and we can do all things through him.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Hebrews 2:1 (KJV) Says, "Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip."

The above verse of scripture tells us how important it is for us to read and study God's word, and that we should do so on a regular basis. When we read and study God's word, pray, and fellowship with other Christians it is like food for our spirit, and it strengthens our relationship with Him. If we allow ourselves to become slack in these areas, we are in danger of slowly slipping away from God.

If we find ourselves feeling unmotivated to read and study our Bible, pray, or fellowship with other Christians, then we need to do it anyway. As a matter of fact, those are the times we need it most. God's Word is inspiring, and is filled with motivation. We can go to God in prayer about anything including our lack of motivation, and fellowship with other Christians is great for our spirit.

When we choose to give in to our lack of motivation regarding the necessities of staying strong in our faith, it is the beginning of our slowly straying further and further away from God. You may begin by skipping one day praying and reading your Bible, and that day turns into a week, which turns into a month, and so on until before you know it you are no longer in God's word and are rarely, if ever, praying. Soon you convince yourself it is okay to miss a few Church services because you worked hard all week, and are exhausted. Missing a few services turns into you rarely, if ever attending Church, and all along your relationship with God is growing more and more distant. This type behavior opens many doors for Satan and he is more than eager to walk through them.

Now that you no longer have God and His Word in the forefront of your mind, in your heart, and filling your spirit, things like going out partying with friends doesn't seem like such a big deal. You may decide that a  few little curse words here and there can't hurt, as long as you don't begin slinging the big ones. Suddenly telling lies is justifiable as long as they're not huge, and aren't really hurting anyone. Before you know it you're losing your temper more, struggling financially, not receiving the blessings you feel you should, you are so far off the strait and narrow it's like being lost in the woods somewhere, and you can't figure out why all these things are happening. The only thing you know for certain at this point is your life is a complete and total disaster, and you're an  emotional wreck.

You can avoid all of this potential havoc by remaining steadfast in your faith at all times. Stay on course when you are feeling unmotivated. Don't  create chaos in your life, and  do things you'll later regret. If you find you're feeling unmotivated and not wanting to do the things you need to do in order to keep your relationship with God strong, push forward and do those things anyway. You will find strength and motivation in God's Word, and in your walk with Him. Don't allow anything or anyone to come between you and your relationship with your personal Lord and Savior. He should be number one in your life, and when you keep Him there you'll find that you have a joy, divine peace, and contentment that cannot be matched.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you leave me a message, and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Honor Thy Father

Exodus 20:12 (KJV) Says "Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee." (KJV).

The above verse of scripture is found in the ten commandments that God gave Moses on Mt. Sinai. It is obviously important that we honor our Father, or God would not have made it a commandment, and promised us long life for doing so.

I am blessed to have had a Father that worked hard everyday to provide for me, my Mom, and my four siblings. My Father was a quiet man, but there was amazing strength felt in his mere presence. I grew up knowing without a doubt how very much he loves me, and that he would always be there for me no matter what. I love my Father tremendously.

My Father wasn't the disciplinarian around our house, but I knew that he trusted Mom's decisions, and that he stood by her, and supported those she made. He didn't say much in the form of correction unless myself or one of my siblings sounded the least bit sarcastic when speaking to my Mother. His means of letting you know that was not acceptable always came in the form of one liners like "girl, I know you're not talking to your Mother like that," and these one liners were delivered without him ever raising his voice. His brief comments on these occasions were all I needed to prompt me to apologize to my Mother for sounding sarcastic. I knew it must be a serious offense, or else my Father would not have said anything.  It was his display of respect for my Mother, and his disdain for disrespect that helped teach me how important the way we treat other people is. I came home once with a D on my report card, and my Father came in from work as my Mother was discussing it with me. He knew by her tone she was upset, and that something I had done was the reason for it. He stood quietly listening, and my Mother turned to him, and said she has a D in history, and I know that is not her best. If it were her best, I would be okay with it. Are you going to say something to her? My Father once again showed his support for my Mother by looking straight at me and saying,  "girl, you better do what your Mother says, and bring that grade up." I replied yes sir, and my Father exited the room. He had a loving quiet, way of making his point, and the kindness he used in doing so made you want to do the right thing. The last thing my Father would say after correcting me was "Daddy loves you." I will never forget that as it was powerful for me, and it impacted me in many ways one of which was the desire to work hard not to disappoint him.

My Father's presence at home made me feel safe growing up, because I knew he would protect me, and like most little girls my Father is my hero. He told me he loved me every night before I went to bed, and he never failed to tell me that as an adult. He did so whenever I was  leaving from a visit, or when our phone conversations came to an end.  Long talks with him were scarce, when I lived at home, but now that I'm grown we've had our share. I always enjoy them, and I always get a little more insight into my Father, as a person, with each one of them. The lessons he taught me, and the example he set for me are priceless, and my love, respect, and appreciation for him are beyond measure.

It's not until we are grown that we are able to see our parents as individual people, appreciate all they did for us growing up, and recognize the sacrifices they made. If you are blessed as I am to have a loving, kind, gentle, Father,  I encourage you to tell him how grateful you are that he's your Father, and how very much you love him. Tell him you count him among your blessings, and thank him for all he's done for you.

If your Father was never a part of your life, remember you have a Heavenly Father who was with you growing up, and is with you every step you take at any age. He loves, and watches over you always. If your Father has gone home to be with the Lord, as mine has, I encourage you to reflect on the cherished memories you have of him held deep within your heart.

If  you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I Peter 5:8 (KJV) Says " Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:"

The above verse of scripture plainly warns us that Satan is constantly around, and that he is looking for people to devour. It tells us that we must be vigilant in watching out for his traps, and uses a roaring lion to indicate the intensity with which he seeks to devour. When we are living a Godly life, it displeases Satan. He would much rather that we forsake God, and follow him. He is therefore, constantly setting traps for us to be snared in. It is up to us to recognize these traps, and thereby not get caught in them.

Satan will do anything he can in order to lure us away from God. He will put people, and things in our path to tempt us. He will create situations that discourage us. He is not beyond doing whatever it takes to cause you to stumble, and fall. In  Matthew 4:1-10 (KJV)  Satan tempts Jesus three times. He offers  Him all the kingdoms in the world and their glory, if He will only bow down to him. Jesus responds to him in verse four by saying "It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Upon being tempted the second time in verse seven Jesus responds by saying "It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God." The third time Jesus is tempted He responds in verse ten by saying "Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and  Him only shalt thou serve.

Jesus stood firm when Satan tempted Him, and He quoted scripture with which to rebuke him. Matthew 4:11 (KJV) says "Then the devil leaveth Him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto Him." Satan finally got the message that Jesus was not going to be tempted, not by wealth, fame, all the kingdoms of the world, or anything else he offered Him.

We have been given the gift of God's Word, and one of the ways in which we should use it is to resist Satan, and his attempts to come into our lives and wreak havoc. If Satan will tempt Jesus, then we can rest assured he has no problem coming after me and you. Satan will come against you with whatever he thinks will be effective. He will aim at our weaknesses, but we must continue to stand firm in our faith and rebuke him.  We must recognize the traps he sets for us. God and His Word are far more powerful than Satan.  Nothing good ever comes from allowing ourselves to be lured into one of Satan's traps.  Satan is constantly fishing with  shiny new rattletraps, and we are the fish he would love to have take his bait. Have you ever known of anything good that came from a fish taking bait? The first nibble might taste pretty good, but when they reach the hook, things turn ugly. Most of them wind up on someones dinner plate.

When Satan dangles something shiny in front of you don't bite, rebuke him with scripture and move on. Don't allow yourself to be lured in. The more you flee temptation the stronger you'll get, and the less you'll find yourself tempted. Satan will eventually realize that he is wasting his time on you because you are a born again child of God standing steadfast and strong in your faith, and you are armed with God's Word. He will have no choice, but to move on. Remember a Godly life is a rewarding, happy life, and Satan could never offer you anything that could come close to what you have found in your relationship with your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.


Proverbs 4:10 (KJV) Says "Hear, O my son, and receive my sayings; and the years of thy life shall be many."

In the above verse of scripture we are told to listen and receive instruction. Unfortunately, many people are so busy they don't take the time to listen, to God, their parents, or to anyone else who attempts to converse with them. We should never allow ourselves to become so busy that we don't have time for God. I would like to encourage you to read and study your Bible, pray, and spend time talking with God daily. Thank him for your blessings, and praise him every day.Get up 15 minutes early in the morning, or set aside a certain time of day or night that's best for you, and use it  to pray, read and study God's word. Then be still and listen. God will answer you. Don't just do so for a week, and then say that God doesn't hear you, or he won't answer you. Remember God does everything in his time, and his timing is perfect.

Spending time with God, and listening to him is of the utmost importance, and he should be the number one priority in our lives. It is also important, however, that we listen to one another, and do so in a courteous manner actually hearing what is being said. Don't be a half-hearted listener who contributes to a conversation by saying things like right, I know what you mean, hmmm, or really, simply because you weren't listening and therefore have no idea what the other person is talking about.

 Don't get so eager to add your next thought to the conversation that you become preoccupied with the thought, and  fail to hear anything else that is being said. Some individuals become so anxious to speak that they constantly interrupt others in order to say what they want to say, and most times fail to acknowledge they interrupted because they don't notice it. Then there are those who assume they know what you are going to say so they proceed to finish your sentences for you, as this speeds up your portion of the conversation and enables them  to continue talking. There are those that will begin walking away while you are talking, and proclaim from the next room that they can still hear you. There are also those who say what they want to say, then wind up the conversation by cutting you off. This leaves you with the impression that you and what you have to say are not important. Though most times not done intentionally or with malice, the end result is the same.

Failing to listen to God is to ignore and refuse peace, wisdom, and understanding. It is failing to accept help and advice from our all-knowing creator who can solve any problem we have, and will lead, guide, and direct our paths in the right direction, if we will only listen and follow his advice.

Failing to listen to others when they are speaking is rude, and inconsiderate. They may be sharing information that could benefit us. They may have made a mistake in their past that we can learn from,  if we will only listen to what they are saying. Maybe we have nothing to gain from the conversation another person is offering us, but that is no excuse for not listening. Conversations shouldn't have to be of total interest to us or centered around us in order to hold our attention. Everyone needs someone to listen to them on occasion, and we as Christians should be willing to do that. To make a conversation all about us or dominate it to the degree that we never hear the other person is selfish and self-centered. When we filibuster in an everyday conversation it is impossible for us to take anything new away from it.

People enjoy the company of true listeners. It makes them feel as though what they have to say is important, and that they themselves matter. There are times when conversations that are one sided are appropriate. For instance, when someone tells us they need to talk about an issue they are having. On these occasions all  they want is for someone to  listen. They don't want our advice, or for us to tell them what we would do if we were them. They simply want us to listen.

Being a good listener is a constant work in progress for me because I love to talk, and I love people. I realize the importance of it, however, and hopefully I will continue to grow in this area. Are you a good listener? Do people enjoy the conversations they have with you? Do people walk away from a conversation with you feeling as though you cared about them and what they had to say? 

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message, and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Laying Snares

In the book of Esther (KJV) there is a man, Haman, who is all about himself, power, and how high in the King's court he can get. In Chapter 3 of the book of Esther, King Ahasuerus promotes Haman, and orders all of the servants in his court to bow, and reverence him. All of the servants comply with the exception of Mordecai, who refuses to do so because he is Jewish, and it would be against Jewish law. Haman becomes so angry at Mordecai that he goes to the King and convinces him that he should sign a decree to have all the Jews among them destroyed for not obeying his law. The King does so unaware that his wife, Queen Esther, is also Jewish. Haman wasn't focused on the King and his best interest; for Haman this particular law was personal. He was furious that Mordecai refused to obey by bowing and paying him reverence. He was furious to the degree that he  had a gallows built on which to hang Mordecai. Queen Esther learns of the decree, and goes before the King requesting that he reverse it. The King's eyes are opened to Haman's true nature, and in the end he is ordered hanged on the very gallows that he had built for Mordecai.

Haman was evil-hearted, and all about himself. Mordecai, however, was quite the opposite. He takes Esther to raise after her parents die. He saves the King's life by telling of a plot he over heard to have him killed. He walks by the house Esther is staying in, prior to marrying the King, daily in order to check on her well-being. When he approached Esther about the decree to destroy all Jewish people, he could have been concerned only for himself and Esther. The two of them could have plotted an escape, but both cared for the welfare of their people as a whole, and therefore, opted to stay, and make an attempt to have the decree reversed.

Psalm 9:16 (KJV) Says "The Lord is known by the judgment which he executeth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands." Psalm 7:16 (KJV) Says " His mischief shall return upon his own head; and his violent dealing shall come down upon his own pate."  Haman's fate is an excellent example of these two scriptures coming to fruition; as in the end he is hanged on the very gallows he had built for Mordecai.

Plotting and planning evil against someone we are angry at for wronging us in some way never works out, and it is not something we as Christians should even consider doing. Romans 12:19 (KJV)  Says "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY, saith the Lord." Haman never considered that even though he had the King fooled into thinking he was looking out for his best interest, God knew his heart, and God was watching him. Joesph's brothers were so jealous of him, and angry with him that they sold him into slavery. Joseph didn't seek revenge or vengeance. He never stopped loving his brothers, who later found themselves bowing before him. In the end they were totally dependant on Joseph for food in order to prevent  them and their families from dying of starvation during, a massive famine.

Friends don't waste your energy laying snares,  plotting and planning on how to pay someone back for something they have done to you. Don't repay a wrong with a wrong or an evil with an evil. When we opt to do that we interrupt our own peace, joy, and contentment. We are then behaving no differently than those who have offended us. Instead, pray for those who offend you, and leave any consequences for them doing so up to God. Failing to trust him to handle things, and instead choosing to handle them yourself will result in you eventually being caught in your own snare. Remember, when someone comes against you with evil; they are not only coming against you, but God who lives within you.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message, and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.