Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Proverbs 4:10 (KJV) Says "Hear, O my son, and receive my sayings; and the years of thy life shall be many."

In the above verse of scripture we are told to listen and receive instruction. Unfortunately, many people are so busy they don't take the time to listen, to God, their parents, or to anyone else who attempts to converse with them. We should never allow ourselves to become so busy that we don't have time for God. I would like to encourage you to read and study your Bible, pray, and spend time talking with God daily. Thank him for your blessings, and praise him every day.Get up 15 minutes early in the morning, or set aside a certain time of day or night that's best for you, and use it  to pray, read and study God's word. Then be still and listen. God will answer you. Don't just do so for a week, and then say that God doesn't hear you, or he won't answer you. Remember God does everything in his time, and his timing is perfect.

Spending time with God, and listening to him is of the utmost importance, and he should be the number one priority in our lives. It is also important, however, that we listen to one another, and do so in a courteous manner actually hearing what is being said. Don't be a half-hearted listener who contributes to a conversation by saying things like right, I know what you mean, hmmm, or really, simply because you weren't listening and therefore have no idea what the other person is talking about.

 Don't get so eager to add your next thought to the conversation that you become preoccupied with the thought, and  fail to hear anything else that is being said. Some individuals become so anxious to speak that they constantly interrupt others in order to say what they want to say, and most times fail to acknowledge they interrupted because they don't notice it. Then there are those who assume they know what you are going to say so they proceed to finish your sentences for you, as this speeds up your portion of the conversation and enables them  to continue talking. There are those that will begin walking away while you are talking, and proclaim from the next room that they can still hear you. There are also those who say what they want to say, then wind up the conversation by cutting you off. This leaves you with the impression that you and what you have to say are not important. Though most times not done intentionally or with malice, the end result is the same.

Failing to listen to God is to ignore and refuse peace, wisdom, and understanding. It is failing to accept help and advice from our all-knowing creator who can solve any problem we have, and will lead, guide, and direct our paths in the right direction, if we will only listen and follow his advice.

Failing to listen to others when they are speaking is rude, and inconsiderate. They may be sharing information that could benefit us. They may have made a mistake in their past that we can learn from,  if we will only listen to what they are saying. Maybe we have nothing to gain from the conversation another person is offering us, but that is no excuse for not listening. Conversations shouldn't have to be of total interest to us or centered around us in order to hold our attention. Everyone needs someone to listen to them on occasion, and we as Christians should be willing to do that. To make a conversation all about us or dominate it to the degree that we never hear the other person is selfish and self-centered. When we filibuster in an everyday conversation it is impossible for us to take anything new away from it.

People enjoy the company of true listeners. It makes them feel as though what they have to say is important, and that they themselves matter. There are times when conversations that are one sided are appropriate. For instance, when someone tells us they need to talk about an issue they are having. On these occasions all  they want is for someone to  listen. They don't want our advice, or for us to tell them what we would do if we were them. They simply want us to listen.

Being a good listener is a constant work in progress for me because I love to talk, and I love people. I realize the importance of it, however, and hopefully I will continue to grow in this area. Are you a good listener? Do people enjoy the conversations they have with you? Do people walk away from a conversation with you feeling as though you cared about them and what they had to say? 

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message, and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.


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