Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Unwavering Faith

Luke 8:43-48 (KJV) Tells of a woman who had been dealing with an issue of blood for twelve years. She had seen multiple physicians, and none of them were able to heal her. One day as Jesus is walking by, the woman comes up behind Him, reaches out, and touches the hem of His garment. Her issue of blood stops, and the woman is healed instantly. Jesus recognizing that virtue had gone out of Him asks who touched Him. There were many people around, but the woman knew Jesus was aware that it was her. Trembling, she falls down before Him, confesses to doing it, tells Him why she did it, and that she was healed the moment she touched Him. Jesus tells her to be of good comfort, to go in peace, and that her faith had made her whole.

Matthew 8:5-13 (KJV) Tells of a Centurion who comes to Jesus asking Him to heal his servant who is at home, and is extremely ill. Jesus tells the Centurion that He will come to his home, and heal his servant.. The Centurion then tells Jesus that he knows what it's like to be busy, and that it is not necessary for Him to come to his home. He tells Jesus that if He will just speak the word from right where He is, his servant will be healed. Jesus is amazed that the Centurion doesn't deem it necessary for Him to follow him back to his home to heal his servant, and He turns to the people following Him saying that He has not found so great a faith in all of Israel. Jesus then tells the Centurion to go his way, and that as he believed it would be done for him.

The above scripture provides two excellent examples of unwavering faith, and the rewards of possessing it. The woman with the issue of blood firmly believed that if she could only touch Jesus she would be healed. Jesus knew her heart, and knew she never doubted that He was capable of curing her. For this reason He tells her that her faith has made her whole. Notice that she did not reach out to touch Jesus with doubt, or with a what could it hurt attitude, but instead with unwavering faith.

The Centurion had no doubt that Jesus could heal his servant by merely speaking. He knew it was not necessary for Jesus to follow him home to where his servant was in order to make him well. Jesus was amazed at the strong faith of the Centurion, and he demonstrates that by telling His followers that He has not seen so great a faith in all of Israel. Jesus tells the Centurion to go his way, and that as he believed it would be done for him. His servant was healed.

The woman and the Centurion in the above scripture demonstrated the kind of  strong, unwavering faith we should all possess as Christians, and their stories are excellent examples of Jesus rewarding them for it. The woman had faith so strong she knew she would be healed if she could merely touch the hem of Jesus' garment. The Centurion knew that his servant would be healed if Jesus would just speak the word.  When we go to God in prayer, we should never have doubt in our hearts and minds  as to whether or not He can help us with any problem we have.  As Christians we should have a firm determination in our spirit, stand steadfast in our faith, and remain unshakable knowing that God is all powerful, and that He is capable of anything.

We may not always get our prayers answered in the way we desire for them to be answered, but we must remember that God knows what is best for us, He wants what is best for us, He loves us, and His will prevails. Don't allow Satan to put doubt in your heart and mind, and if he attempts to do so, remember he's a liar who would love nothing better than for you to believe his lies.

If you find your faith is wavering, I would like to encourage you to pray, read and study God's word, fellowship with other Christians, and  strengthen it to the degree that like the woman and the Centurion in the above scripture it is absolutely unshakable.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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