Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Answer God's Call

In Jeremiah 1:4-9 (KJV) The word of the Lord comes to Jeremiah, and tells him he is called to be a prophet. The Lord advises him that before he was born he sanctified him, and ordained him a prophet unto the nations. Jeremiah is shy, and hesistant. He tells the Lord that he can't be a prophet because he is still a child, and he cannot speak. The Lord responds by telling Jeremiah not to say that he is just a child, and that he will go where He sends him, and say whatever He commands him to say. The Lord tells him not to be afraid, and that He will be with him. The Lord then touches Jeremiah's mouth with His hand, and advises him that He has put his words in his mouth.

Do you know what the Lord has called you to do? Have you went to Him in prayer requesting that He show you what it is He desires to accomplish by working through you? What He has appointed you to do? The Holy Spirit will lead,  guide, and direct you in whatever you are called to do. When you are aware of what your calling is, don't waste precious time, and energy getting yourself all worked up and doubting your ability to answer that call. The Lord will be with you just as He  promised Jeremiah that he would be with him. Go to God in pray asking for confidence and assistance, and he will bless you with it. There is no need to be afraid. The Lord says in Jeremiah 1:18 (KJV) "For, behold, I have made thee this day a defensed city, and an iron pillar, and brazen walls against the kings of Judah, against the princes thereof, and againist the people of the land." In this verse of scripture the Lord is assuring Jeremiah that He has given him strength, and by the Lord's choice of the words defensed city, iron pillar, and brazen walls; I would say He blessed him with a great deal of it. The Lord will do the same for you, when you set out to answer the call He has placed on your life.

The Lord doesn't promise Jeremiah that everyone will receive him, and treat him kindly when he goes out to prophecy. In fact, in  Jeremiah 1:19 (KJV) he says, "And they shall fight against thee, but they shall not prevail against thee; for I am with thee, saith the Lord, to deliver thee." In this verse of scripture the Lord advises Jeremiah that people will come against him, but He advises him that He will be with him, and that those who come against him will not prevail. The Lord assures Jeremiah in every way possible that he has no need to be afraid. If you are certain of the call God has on your life, and you are afraid to answer it, don't be. The promises He made to Jeremiah hold true for all those who answer the call God has on their life.

I would like to encourage you to take the time to discover and confirm exactly what it is the Lord has called you to do, and to step out in faith so that He can accomplish all he desires to accomplish by working through you. Many people report to jobs everyday that they detest, and they spend hours upon hours on these jobs feeling miserable and unhappy. If you answer the call God has on your life, you will discover happiness, divine peace, and contentment. You will end up right where you are suppose to be doing exactly what you are suppose to be doing, and there is great joy and divine peace found in that.

Don't let other people discourage you or make you doubt yourself, listen to the Holy Spirit within  you and answer the call the Lord has placed on your life. Don't be afraid. Remember, no one is any better than you are, and you are no better than anyone else. We are all equal in  God's eyes. Be confident. You are a child of  God, you are set apart, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Spirit. Never doubt what God is capable of accomplishing through you. His power is unlimited, and we can do all things through him.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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