Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Hebrews 2:1 (KJV) Says, "Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip."

The above verse of scripture tells us how important it is for us to read and study God's word, and that we should do so on a regular basis. When we read and study God's word, pray, and fellowship with other Christians it is like food for our spirit, and it strengthens our relationship with Him. If we allow ourselves to become slack in these areas, we are in danger of slowly slipping away from God.

If we find ourselves feeling unmotivated to read and study our Bible, pray, or fellowship with other Christians, then we need to do it anyway. As a matter of fact, those are the times we need it most. God's Word is inspiring, and is filled with motivation. We can go to God in prayer about anything including our lack of motivation, and fellowship with other Christians is great for our spirit.

When we choose to give in to our lack of motivation regarding the necessities of staying strong in our faith, it is the beginning of our slowly straying further and further away from God. You may begin by skipping one day praying and reading your Bible, and that day turns into a week, which turns into a month, and so on until before you know it you are no longer in God's word and are rarely, if ever, praying. Soon you convince yourself it is okay to miss a few Church services because you worked hard all week, and are exhausted. Missing a few services turns into you rarely, if ever attending Church, and all along your relationship with God is growing more and more distant. This type behavior opens many doors for Satan and he is more than eager to walk through them.

Now that you no longer have God and His Word in the forefront of your mind, in your heart, and filling your spirit, things like going out partying with friends doesn't seem like such a big deal. You may decide that a  few little curse words here and there can't hurt, as long as you don't begin slinging the big ones. Suddenly telling lies is justifiable as long as they're not huge, and aren't really hurting anyone. Before you know it you're losing your temper more, struggling financially, not receiving the blessings you feel you should, you are so far off the strait and narrow it's like being lost in the woods somewhere, and you can't figure out why all these things are happening. The only thing you know for certain at this point is your life is a complete and total disaster, and you're an  emotional wreck.

You can avoid all of this potential havoc by remaining steadfast in your faith at all times. Stay on course when you are feeling unmotivated. Don't  create chaos in your life, and  do things you'll later regret. If you find you're feeling unmotivated and not wanting to do the things you need to do in order to keep your relationship with God strong, push forward and do those things anyway. You will find strength and motivation in God's Word, and in your walk with Him. Don't allow anything or anyone to come between you and your relationship with your personal Lord and Savior. He should be number one in your life, and when you keep Him there you'll find that you have a joy, divine peace, and contentment that cannot be matched.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you leave me a message, and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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