Sunday, July 15, 2012

A Good Name

Proverbs 22:1 (KJV) says "A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold."

The above scripture points out to us that having a good reputation is more important than having wealth. There was a time when people trusted one another to the degree that all they needed for confirmation on a deal or that a promise would be kept was one another's word and a handshake. Unfortunately, in today's world people who can be trusted using those methods are becoming scarce.

There are many ways to harm our reputation, and create a bad name for ourselves, and we can do so with a quickness. At work for instance, if we do a poor job, show up late, call out sick repeatedly, or fail to get along well with our co-workers, we do damage to our reputation. If we demonstrate these types of behavior at work, how long can we keep our job, and what boss would be willing to write us a letter of recommendation for the next one? If we have our own business and deal deceitfully with others, how long before our reputation is ruined, and our business goes under?

We can damage our reputation with friends, and family in many ways also. If we tell someone we are going to do something, we need to do it. We shouldn't keep others waiting because we can't manage to get anywhere on time. Being late happens to all of us on occasion, but to do it on a regular basis screams I want to be in control, and my time is more important than yours.  We should never borrow money, material items, or anything else from someone, and then fail to repay them or return the item we borrowed. These type behaviors also damage our reputation, and create a bad name for us. We come across as though we are not concerned about the other person, after they were kind enough to help us out when we needed it. In the end people who do these things will need help again, and their past history will make it very difficult for them to find anyone willing to help them.

We can damage our reputation via our behavior as well. If we are exuding arrogance, jealousy, selfishness, envy, greed, anger, complaining constantly, spewing nothing but negativity for instance, we are harming our reputation. As a result, we will probably spend a great deal of time alone too, because who wants to be around people who demonstrate these behaviors on a regular basis? The answer is nobody. I'm not saying we can't vent to our friends on occasion, or have a bad day in general, we all do from time to time. What I'm talking about is allowing these negative behaviors, to take over becoming what we are known for, and defining who we are.

 When we do things that damage our name and reputation, we are harming ourselves in a major way, and often times we fail to notice it until late in the game. It takes only a short time to wreak havoc on a good name and ruin a good reputation, but it takes quite a while to rebuild them. If you have done things that have given you a bad name or poor reputation I would like to encourage you to begin rebuilding it today. It is never to late, but you must be patient, and remember that it does take time. If you have hurt someones feelings, mistreated them, or wronged them in some way, apologize to them and consider they may need more time to heal, and that healing has to be in their time not yours. If you have demonstrated a poor work ethic in the past it may take a while to find a new job, but when you do, make the changes necessary to ensure you are creating a good name for yourself. Treat people fairly and with respect.

As Christians, it is very important that we have a good name and can be trusted. If we have developed a bad reputation what kind of witnesses are we for our Lord and Savior? How can He use us to accomplish His work and fulfill the plans He has for us if we are living our lives in a manner that is destructive to our name and reputation? When we do things that give us a bad name, and others know we proclaim to be a Christian we are actually doing harm to the very definition of the word. What kind of example are we setting for non-believers?

First and foremost, as Christians we should desire in our hearts to live our lives in a manner that is pleasing to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We should do all things to His glory, and we should be setting a good examples for others to follow. If we put God first in our lives, and desire to honor Him in all we do then none of these other things should be a problem.

What kind of name have you established for yourself? How do others react, when they see you coming? Do you deal fairly with people? Do you place a good name above wealth on your list of priorities? Do others want to spend time with you? Does your behavior strengthen your good name, and demonstrate that you are a born again child of God?

Heed the above scripture, and make a good name for yourself in this world. It is pleasing to God and He will bless you for it., You'll be a great witness for Him through your behavior, and you'll have a sense of security knowing there are many people willing to help you if you are ever in need. All the wealth in the world can't buy you the things that a good name and reputation will provide. Like most things of great value in the world, a good name and reputation are free so there are no excuses, anyone can afford them.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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